Meeting the family

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"Swept away" written by VeGirl 2014 © All Rights Reserved

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After breakfast the following day it was time to get to the airport. Isa was almost more tired than before. She hadn't been able to rid herself from the internal battle. The last thing she had thought about before she fell asleep and the first thing she thought about waking up was Morgan.

She was going crazy.

They checked out of the hotel, and Isa was surprised to see their cab stop by another building on their way to the hotel. Her heart almost stopped altogether when Morgan walking up to them.

"Morgan's coming with us?" Isa breathed to Robert, with eyes wide open.

"Sure, didn't I tell you?" He smiled deviously.

Morgan got into the car and they gave each other an embarrassed smile when he took the seat next to her. "Good morning."

She returned the phrase but wondered if it was good or not.

The silence was deafening and Isa was so extremely relieved when Morgan started to question Robert about the convention which had been Robert's first.

She tried to smile politely.

Paparazzi met them the second they got out of the car and Isa wanted a hole in the ground to slip into.

The time at the airport and the flight was nothing of the relaxed goofing off Isa had imagined. Even if Robert and Morgan spoke casually, she couldn't relax for a second. It didn't help that she caught Robert, secretly smiling at Morgan and her. Devious brother, she thought.

Morgan felt stiff and uncomfortable and barely looked at her. Why should he, Isa thought, she was just another college girl, easily replaced.

The flight got really interesting where Isa got the seat in between the two guys. She had needed to take a nap on the flight, but that was totally impossible. The air sparkled between Morgan and her and she was painfully aware that he was mere inches from her with his gorgeous eyes and those breathtaking lips. Why had he kissed her yesterday, she wondered, if he kept ignoring her today. Not much was said and she felt her head echoe with contradicting questions the entire flight.

Isa had seen looks from girls around them and felt like some grey, boring character in between these two gorgeous guys. They were in sparkling colors, high definition while she in dull black and white.

She wished she would have been able to enjoy this experience more.

Morgan held his gaze through the window, not knowing what to smalltalk about. What could you say to distract your friend when you have made out with his girlfriend?

He wanted to kick himself for being a complete jack ass.

He didn't dare to look at the girl next to him, close enough to touch, and he didn't dare to glance at the friend and co-actor who probably would kick the crap out of him as soon as he fessed up. Why had he not listened to the logical part of his brain the day before?

Truth be told, he knew why. She had been like a siren calling to him, without being the slightest aware of it, and he had taken advantage of her. Just thinking about that kiss made his pulse race again.

Isa closed her eyes, certain that Robert had some sadistic joy of seeing the two of them sweat without lifting a finger to ease the tension.

Had she asked him flat out it had been confirmed. That was spot on. Robert wanted Morgan to suffer, at least a little bit longer, just because he had gotten the girl Robert could never have.

Swept awayWhere stories live. Discover now