Going to Scotland

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"Swept away" written by VeGirl 2014 © All Rights Reserved

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Morgan texted Isa the flight information and boarding-number of the ticket he bought her, and all she had to do was print it into the machine at the airport. She was anxious to see him since their horrible phone call but she was dying to see him anyway. It felt like forever since they last saw each other when he had surprised her at her birthday. The flight was very short in comparison with her flights to the States, so she had a limited time to ruminate over what was right and what went wrong. He wanted at least to se her, even if he had been accused of adultery, by Isa's dearest friend.

She got off the plane in Edinburgh and followed the line toward the baggage claim. It was good to get off that tiny plane, it had been a bit claustrophobic and soon she would be face to face with the most handsome man in the universe; beautiful inside and out.

The line was walking forward in an excruciatingly slow pace through the passport control before she could find her suitcase and scurry toward the exit with her heart pounding. Outside the door she slowed down, almost to a stop, making people frown and glare at her as they had to walk around her, while Isa's eyes scanned the area for her Morgan. Finally she found a man with short hair and three days stubble on his chin.


She exhaled sharply when she saw the worried expression on his face. Was he worried just as she was?

A smile slowly showed on his face and it warmed her soul to the core as she walked up to him.

"Hello beautiful!" he said and she dropped her bags and threw herself at him. "Oh Eysa, I have missed you so much," he whispered in her hair.

She looked up at his face, studying the changes thoroughly, doing her best to get reacquainted with him again. She smiled and reached up to stroke his stubbly cheek.

"Yeah, this isn't mine, this face belongs to Jasper." He said soft. "He's a mean bastard..." His voice sent chills down her spine.

"No," Isa said and looked at his surprised face. "It's mine!" She hadn't come to any conclusion at all on the flight, but the millisecond she saw him, she knew she wanted him, and she felt like gloating.

His dark enigmatic eyes shimmered and Isa felt breathless just watching him. His crooked smile appeared and Isa wanted him there and then.

"Let's get home," he said, and she liked the ring to it, it held some kind of promise to the future.

Morgan took her suitcase, put an arm around her shoulders and they walked out the doors toward the car. The airport was smaller than Isa was used to and the flashing photographers were fewer, but there were still a couple of them. She was prepared for Morgan to hide her or at least to ignore her, but he just kept his arm around her, smiling at her.

"I'm so glad you came." To her totally surprise he leaned closer and kissed her. Isa blinked in surprise and studied him, to find a wicked smile and longing eyes beaming at her.

She returned the smile. "I thought photo-shoots had to do with work," she muttered as they kept walking towards the car, just outside the entrance. "Isn't this our private time?" she teased and he pulled her closer and smelled her hair.

"I decided to break the rules," he said in her hair and a good chill ran along Isa's spine.

~ ~ ~

The trip over here and the worry over how he would greet her had drained all energy out of her and Isa slept like a log that night, awakening from Morgan kissing her cheek. As she inhaled slowly and opened her eyes, she noticed that he was fully clothed.

Swept awayWhere stories live. Discover now