Hanging with my vamps

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"Swept away" written by VeGirl 2014 © All Rights Reserved

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Robert smiled when Isa said yes. He had been unwilling to let her out of his sight and that was the real reason he asked her to go with him to the shooting site. There wasn't any doubt that she really was interested in this show, and perhaps even in him. He hoped. He scowled himself for not meeting her sooner during the years her mother had been together with his father? Thoughts about the jealousy that had pierced him at the sight of Joe chatting her up at the New Year party, or that Swedish guy in the coffeshop, went through him and he knew this was his chance, his chance to act.

This was her last three days in this part of the world and he was determined to spend it with her. They would be going to Alabama and when these three days was over, she would go straight home to Sweden.

Robert knew he had a few intense days, first in the studio and then on location. "Vampires and werewolves in the woods, at the light of the full moon, what do you say?"

He really wanted to have her by her side, and what could she say; this was her favorite show.

~ ~ ~

Early Monday morning; really early Monday morning, they had breakfast and Robert was checking her out sitting there in the kitchen, in her black skinny jeans, a white shirt and those biker boots. He couldn't wait to get some alone time with her.

Isa hugged her mother goodbye, took her suitcases and got in a cab with Robert to the airport to fly to Greenville, Alabama.

Since Robert was still the new cast of the show, they could pass fairly undetected through the airport oppose to the other cast-members. He thanked his lucky star for not scaring Isa off with the press just yet. On arrival they were not so lucky; the paparazzi was there covering the arrivals, but even then they got off fairly easy, since a bigger celebrity showed up and pulled the attention. I have to remember to thank her for that if I ever run into her again, Robert thought about that particular actress.

He drove them to the hotel first, where they were supposed to get a room for Isa. Some kind of convention in town had unfortunately booked all the available rooms, so their only option was for Isa to settle into his room.

Isa got nervous going up the elevator, but when Robert opened the door, she saw that the room had two beds, so that eased her anxiety a bit.

After having basically just dropped their suitcases off at the hotel room, they took the rental car to the studio, located in some old industrial buildings. Robert was the perfect gentleman, opening the car door for her and proffered a hand. She watched it just a fraction too long before she took it, thinking about how good it felt holding it. Come on, he's practically your brother, Isa thought, took a deep breath and smiled at him.


"No," she answered a little too fast for it to be trustworthy.

"Liar," he smiled.

He kept her hand as they walked through the door and entered the building. Alisha stood behind the reception and she greeted them with a wide smile.

"Hi Robert, time for work again?"

"Yeah, I can't wait to get back here." His answer made her raise her eyebrows in a sarcastic way.

"Yeah, right..."

Robert snickered, actually glad to be there again. "This is Isa, she'll be with me here for a few days." He introduced and the two girls said their hello.

Swept awayWhere stories live. Discover now