Twenty Five

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© 2014 MellowDramatic All Rights Reserved No part of this story can be reproduced, duplicated or copied in any way.This storyline,the credit, the plot, and every word belongs to the author, please respect that and enjoy

Chapter Twenty five.

How do you tell if someone is nervous.Mayve the twitchy palms and swear beads.I know when I am nervous I stare at the ground-which Clifford interprets me thing ink about satan-I don't know staring at the ground is the only place to stare.Well Clifford was nervous.I couldn't see it in his eyes or here it for myself,His shaking palms came in the shape of a gaze.He was staring at the back if the neck like it was the ground for me,In every other step I felt his breath skin my neck and make my hair dance up with anticipation that was almost too strong to shut down.

Where was I going?Apparently I was leading this conversation to start in his room or mine.I thought quickly,I know we are going to fight,so I thought it like this.Do I want to kick Clifford out or stomp out dramatically.Knowing how my strength is supporting me today,i'd say i' going to kick him out would be the best option.I we reached my room and I passed through the door and as soon as I turned around I was met face I face with Clifford.We were bound to fight,bound to make a loud noise,and bound by souls.I stared at him my eyes wanting to take refuge in the ground,but I stared at him,waiting for him to say that first took me a good minute to relapse that he was waiting on me.I stepped forward ready to take my fist punch,but my punch came in the form of a hug,and man was it deadly.He stiffened and I swear I have hugged someone so tight.

"Thank you"I said.Clifford had been my hero and Wilson's,saved the day and all was safe and that it hit me like a cold breeze.

Dylan had said I loved him,but I think I am almost there.That was scary,being in the edge of love,ready I humor the cliff with no life jacket,no support.Falling alone was was better than walking away and not know long what it was like.I tried to wrap my head around the situation.Clifford and I as mates,like real mate.I'd leave my role as omega step up to Luna,after a series of heavy courting he would possible pop the question,me being the major b-

"Stop thinking"Clifford cut my thoughts short

"I know that look,and that's when your thinking"He said.

"What happened to your sweats?"He asked looking down at my nearly bare legs

"I spilled-Wilson spilled soda all over them so I ran and got some track shorts"I said.He stared at them for one second longer and looked back up at me.

"I am about to say something really possessive and really out of line,so I apologize in advance"He said.What did I need to change my shirts.The usual Aloha thing to say,possesive enough.I nodded.He leaned forward and so was ready for his statement.He leaned into my ear and in the most possessive and sexiest voice he said

"I want to wrap your legs around me like I am your last hope"

These legs,that he apparently wanted wrapped around him nearly turned to straw.I stared back at him and his eyes kissed my in places his lips never have been.Imagining his lips on anywhere but my lips was too vast and made my heart beat faster

"Clifford.Yesterday you played the hero,you saved the citizen,fought the villain"I scooted closer to him"and now you're going to get the girl."His eyelids fell on one another.I should stop thinking and just do.Sing the chorus that everyone knows,so that everyone sings along and you are not alone.Our bodies hadn't touched since someone ended the hug earlier.

"If you would have me"I said.He didn't speak he shut his eyes and pierced his fists together.

"Say it"I said.I knew he had always wanted to say it,ever since meeting me.The traditional line all mates say upon meeting and once he said it I had a feeling there was no going back,and I didn't want to.I wanted to move forward,hopefully mollify our arguments and be the person I have always meant to be.

His bright blue eyes shifted darker and darker until they reached black.Which in code meant,he was one with his Alpha wolf,his side of possession,lust,heart churning,sexual frustrating,alpha wolf,who almost all things dominated like no man,like no wolf,but both working in sync.

I had never seen Clifford's eyes like that,Black fully taken over by a side he never liked.I stepped back not aware how to feel about this situation.I took another step back and I continued to until I reached the door,my back facing the door,I slowly tried to twist the knob open,but then he came striding

Walking like a king,a ruthless leader he came towards me and when he came up to me his hands hugged my hips and this eyes turned bright blue again.He stared at me,completely in control and smashed his lips against mine.He pressed my back deeper into the door.My arms hooked around his neck and as they did I felt his hands wrap my legs around him,just how he wanted.I hugged his neck tighter and pulled my legs so that the space between us didn't exist.His kiss made me lost for air.I was falling deeper into the kiss and I held onto Clifford like he was my only chance of survival,my life raft,my anchor,my only hope.

As my legs tightened around him I felt a moan in his voice and he groaned heavily.He snatched his lips from mine a planted kisses like seeds up and down my neck.My hand drifted from his neck and to his back and I was clawing trying to make sure that we were never apart again.I didn't want to lose this feeling

My stomach is on fire,a hot fire with a cool burn,and my lips itch for his.

I wanted to speak but because of the way he was kissing me;breathing was harder than speaking.I had regretted putting on a button shirt because I saw how he tried to take it off in the most quickest and efficient way possible.Growing tired of buttons he grabbed two sides of my shirt and tore the buttons open,they went clattering to the floor.His hands were exploring my body like he had just found the new world.I met my lips back with his and everything just combusted.He stopped he stilled with his hands still under my bra.He breathed into my lips and I awoke.

"Never ever leave me,you understand?"He said

"I don't want to lose you,ever"He said,and I smiled because to lose me he had to have me and he officially had me,and I indubitably had him.I nodded,not being able to form words.

"These curves,these legs,these eyes,are only meant for me."He said.I nodded again,he kissed me softly.I always wondered why there was that one kiss after a huge make out.The guy always seemed to do a little kiss afterwards,and I thought that it was completely useless,but when he did it,he surprised me,he always did.

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