The talk

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Astrid POV

We just landed on Berk ground. Gobber and Stoick came up to us, it was like Stoick knew what was going on before we did.
"Where's Hiccup?!" Stoick exclaimed worrying of his son's whereabouts.
"We have no idea" Tuffnut said to him, earning a glare. Toothless out of worry, knocked Astrid off and ran around the island looking for Hiccup. Not realizing at all that he wouldn't be in town anywhere, yet he was still looking around the area, we had to chase him. Then he reached the arena and looked around the arena in panic, ignoring the A team's confusion. The rest finally caught up, and Stoick was trying to clam him down, using all the tricks his son taught him.
"Easy dragon, he's not here, we don't know where he is" just after Stoick had said that Toothless's ear flaps sprung up and he opened his wings, jumping up on the cliff above the arena. Toothless jumped down, landing into the town.
"Where is he going?!" Fishlegs asked in worry and shock. Then it hit me," To the cove" I told them as we got on our dragons.
We flew fast but Toothless was faster. "He's never acted this way, at all" Snotlout told us and he was right.
When we reached the cove Toothless was sitting there next to a drawing of him looking around. Then at the picture in front of him. I walked up to him petting his head "we'll find him I promise".

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