Island Camp Out Part 2

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Shout out to kingkiellNickiell
On w/ story

The eyes watched carefully aware of any sound was made he would be seen in an instant. There was only hours away from dawn, being wary of his surroundings and distance, Shadow (Hiccup) watched with intriguing interest of the ones in front of him, to him it was confusing as to why they would stray so close to light and not be burned like himself although they looked completely different to him as well. But the weirdest thing was that none of the ears on the jet black dragon head had sprung up when he jumped down from a trees before he started watching them, surely the dragon would've noticed, right? Well apparently not Toothless' mind was else where, to the young man they found in fact- to Toothless there was something different about him other than being the first dragon hybrid in existence, and knowing about Berk as he had heard from the group of human's of whom he trusted. Toothless didn't even notice the fish tossed to him. Astrid also didn't notice her fish burning to charcoal in the burning fire.
"Man Astrid is out of it" Snotlout noticed. "In fact we're all out of it".
"Even Toothless is out of it" Tuffnut stated. There was then a sound from the bushes as Hookfang pushed the man out towards the others, which caused the two to snap out of their trance. Shadow quickly jumped into a tree hiding within the shadows around him. Everyone turned and looked in the direction he jumped to they heard no sound of leaves rustling, except from the light breeze that quietly flew around them, they knew he hadn't left his position since the noise of rustling leaves wasn't loud enough.
"Shadow?" Someone yelled making the one whom had the name looked towards the girl.
"Don't worry we don't want to hurt you, we just want to learn more about you" a large boy said in a honest comforting tone. Shadow-Hiccup jumped down from the tree. When someone moved a single foot forward he would back up a bit. Then to surprise, Astrid went and sat down near the firelight the rest followed her lead, this made Shadow follow as well in a trusting instinct, but he wouldn't stray anywhere near the light emitting off the fire.
"It's light it won't hurt you" Fishlegs told him reassuringly.
"well only if you touch it" Tuff pointed out. Shadow put his hand into the boundary line of light that came from the fire, and cocked his head to the right in curiosity of what happened.
'Hm no shadow' Fishlegs mentality noted. The sun started to rise and so did Snotlout's complaining.
"Uh come on we didn't even get a wink of sleep!" He complained resting his head on one of his hands. Shadow started to run off and the others went after him, he ran and ran, jumping inside the shade and shadows surrounding him, soon he came face with a wall of rock as the sun surrounds the once shaded area of the rock floor in front of him. The riders came rushing towards him out of breath and watched as he was surrounded by the sunlight on all sides, as he came forward, seemingly with a plan in mind the light touches him, he winces in pain from the burning sensation on his skin putting his hand over his shoulder where it was burned. He then turned to run towards the rock and just before the rising sun hit the bare skin of his back, then steps before he would hit the rock he jumped and disappeared in the shadows leaving no trace as the sun hit the rocky area.

AN: sorry for wait I was on vk and I don't publish chaps unless I at home and I wanted to make a good chap for u guys- and it my birthday plus I forgot to publish it when I got home silly me

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