The creature

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AN: yay longer chapters and more ideas, I sorry but Snotlout has the best POV right now, + he's hilarious.
';writing;'. POV half switch to third POV in this chapter but still Snot's POV
Snotlout POV
I started blabbering to the gang about the creature.
"Okay Snotlout has finally gone mad" Tuffnut said.
"Well it was bound to happen" Ruffnut said to her idiot brother. "I'm not going crazy I can show you it and it's cave, I'm being serious!" I yelled to them.
"Snotlout" Fishlegs started. "I don't think that a human can be half dragon, I mean that's impossible, maybe you hit your head when you fell with Hookfang and saw an illusion of Hiccup" Fishlegs told me.
"Shut up Fish-face, I can show you to the cave it lives in common we need to know what this thing is" I half yelled.
I started to walk towards the cave the others followed close behind, in a second I fell down the crevasse.
"Huh it was a lot closer than I thought" I said to myself a little smugly, Astrid than jumped down saying "okay so where is this creature you were talking about". I looked around, soon the others jumped down and noticed the pictures and writing all across the walls. I took careful steps closer to the drawings, eventually my hand touched the wall of the cave. It was the first time I got a good look at them, they were all blurry- which halfway answered my earlier prediction, it definitely looked like the creature was trying to remember something.
"It looks like it wants to remember something, something involving Berk. Fishlegs informed pointing to some writing.
"Yeah I got that Fishlegs" I said back to him. The writing Fishlegs was pointing to said ';Berk;'. A few letters were scratched out and replaced, as if the spelling was frustrating.
"Well whatever lives here sure knows a lot about Berk" Astrid pointed out picking up a piece of charcoal and examining it. A pair of emerald forest green eyes peered toward us in pitch darkness, curiosity filling it's gaze, although in an absent knowing.
"Hey do those eyes look familiar to anyone?" Tuffnut asked fear filling in his voice.
"They look like Hiccup's" Astrid said dropping the charcoal and backing up for a better looking at its bewildering eyes, watching as it's gaze shifted to a single word on the wall. ';Shadow;'.

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