Chapter 3

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the ending gets HELLA depressing. but it is something that i hold dear and close to my heart because i have done things like this in the past. (I'm referencing the ending.) but if you get triggered with things like eating disorders, then don't read this chapter.

"you don't have to be so rude kiera" says cassidee.

"well you didn't have to judge about what I cry about either." I reply

"touche" says cassidee.

me and cassidee left the studio at about 4 am and went straight to our house. bts gave us a ride home and they decided to come in and hang out for a bit. "aren't you guys tired?" I say. "yep, can we crash here again? the dorm is 30 minutes away and I do not feel like driving." jin says. "i mean sure, we just need to go to bed at a decent hour." I say. "because 4:30 am is a decent hour right?" cassidee says. I gave cassidee this death glare and continued to talk. "same sleeping arrangements too, I'm too lazy to figure out different ones." I say. "but kiera, there is more people." cassidee says. "they can have the living room with everyone else lol." I say. "jin can sleep in my room, hobi can sleep in yours, jimin can sleep in shelbys, and tae can sleep in jades, yoongi, namjoon, and jungkook can have the living room." "i think he already beat you to it." says jungkook and he points to the living room. I turn around and see yoongi asleep on my couch.

"I'm going take a shower." I say. I go to my room and grab clothes and take a shower. (my room has a bathroom connected to it) I was listening to cypher part 3 and I was yelling the words because ya know, ya girly can rap. the next song that came on was serendipity by jimin and I started to sing the words. all of a sudden I hear my door open and I hear a "kiera." I jumped because I was SCARED. "wow, you can sing." I take a peek out of the curtain and I see namjoon at the door. I immediately turned red because BOYS ARENT SUPPOSED TO WALK IN ON YOU SHOWERING. I said" thanks, but I'm showering so we can talk when I get out." I say. "oh yea, I came in here to ask you where the blankets are." "shouldn't cassidee, Shelby, or jade know?" I say. "yea, but cassidee and hoseok took off, Shelby is asleep, and jade isn't home." he says. "oh, the box in the corner of the living room." I say. "thanks" he says and closes my door. "do these boys have no patience" I mutter to myself.

as soon as I got out of the shower, I called cassidee and jade and asked them where the hell they were because a, it was 6 am, and b, they are supposed to be home. I called cassidee first and she said her and hobi went to ihop, with jade. "bring me pancakes." I say. I walk back out in to my bedroom with my phone and go to lay down in my bed. there jin as, laying on my bed. I silently climb into my bed trying to not make any noise. I turn onto my side and I feel the bed shift and arms around my waist. I felt breathing on my neck and I hear a voice, "it takes you that long to take a shower?" he says. "my apologies, I have no time to talk, we need to be back at the studio for 9. goodnight jin." I say. and with that, I fell asleep.

my alarm clock goes off and me and jin wake up. I ran into jades room to wake her up for work and I see her having a panic attack. literally, freaking out. I ran to her, pushed taehyung off her bed, and hugged her. we laughed because all we heard from the floor was "REALLY KIERA?" I said "yes." I pulled jade out of her own room and we went on the balcony. "whats wrong?" I say. "I'm freaking out." she replies. "well duh, can you tell me why?" I say. "I'm failing all of my classes kiera." she says. jade is a year younger than me and cassidee and Shelby is year older than me and cassidee. jade is still in high school and she cares a lot about her grades. I give her a hug and tell her everything is fine. I look at jade as a younger sister that I never had, I feel the need to be in mother mode whenever she is down or something is happening to her. I tend to feel like that for any of my friends who are younger than me. "kiera, I am literally freaking out. I'm homesick. these people are too much." she says. "jade, if you don't feel comfortable, tell me." I say. me and jade met when I was in 8th grade and she was in 7th. since then, I feel like a mother to her. "i want to go back to America for a while." she says. "that's totally understandable, if you want to go, you can. we just got back from a vacation there though. just know, if you leave, I'm giving your room to tae." I say and I chuckle, trying to lighten up the mood.

jade bought her plane ticket and took off to America. me and cassidee have been overworking ourselves to the point of where we don't eat or get home until 3 am. bts is saying its unhealthy, but we see work as a priority. we constantly are at the studio choreographing more and more moves. I haven't been doing school for two days, and I am getting a lot more homesick than I used to be. one day, it was 1 am and me and cassidee were choreographing a dance. more like cassidee was choreographing and I was just her lab rat to see if it would work out. bts came and knocked on the door and said "we are leaving." I said "no, we have a dance to choreograph." I say. "you guys need a break, you guys work more than us. and that is saying A LOT being that you guys aren't the ones performing, we are." says yoongi. "look, we have....." then all I saw was black. I open my eyes to see a bright studio light in my face and jin and cassidee's face above my head. "what happened" I say in a groggy voice. "you fainted" said yoongi, looking slightly annoyed. "why?" I ask. "you over work yourselves too much." says jin. "what time is it?" "2." cassidee responds. I was out for a whole hour. "kiera, are you even taking care of yourself anymore." yoongi ask. "...." I said nothing. knowing that if I did, I was going to get scolded by cassidee. "I'm going home." I say. I get up, grab my bag, and walk out of the studio to go home. I get in my car, start it, and leave. I arrived at my house and somehow, bts and cassidee are already there. I go into my room and go to sleep.

Cassidee's POV.

kiera overworks herself too much. she practically works herself to the brink of insanity. she doesn't even try to do school anymore, I haven't seen her eat in a solid week. she just chugs bottles of water. is she... I screamed when I realized it. "what?" says hoseok. "she isn't eating.." she only did this once before in 11th grade. she went three months eating under 700 calories a day. she is a recovering anorexic.. when she gets depressed, she must've relapsed. I told the boys everything that happened. jin ran into kiera's room and woke her up. he made her stand on the scale in her room. she lost 10 pounds. by not eating. "I SWEAR TO GOD KIERA. RELAPSE AND IM GONNA SHOVE A STEAK DOWN YOUR THROAT."

Kiera's POV

i just cried myself to sleep. i didn't want to deal with anything.


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