Chapter 5

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I pulled yoongi and hobi to the side and talked to hobi first. I consider hobi as a really close friend, we haven't known each other very long, but we clicked when we first met. I said "hey, so quick question." he replied with a "yeah?" I asked "does jin like me?" he replies with a "i don't know, does he?" "LOOK HOBI I DONT HAVE TIME FOR GAMES RIGHT NOW. I NEED TO KNOW THIS HOBI." "OK. YES HE DOES." "he does?" I said with my voice really fangirlish. (I don't know if that's a word but it is in my vocabulary)

yoongi said "why did you need me here?" I said "because of this reason." i sat on my bed and patted the space next to me. he sat down next to me and i started to BOMBARD him with questions. "what kind of roommate is he?, hobbies? favorite color?" and so on. he said "kiera. i get it, youre nervous ok? but trust me. he likes you." as soon as he said that, jin walked in the room and said "kiera, can i talk to you for a second?" i said "sure.." and i motioned for yoongi and hobi to get out of my room. "so, i know cassidee told you." "told me what?" i replied. "you know kiera, stop playing dumb." "fine, but jin.. i-" and he cut me off. "i know you probably don't like me back like that and i totally understand, but if you don't just don't brea-" and i wanted him to shut up. i didn't want to be rude about it though. i smashed my lips into his. and as expected, he kissed back. "so you like me back like that?" he says with a smile on his face. "yeah, doofus, let me finish my sentence next time." i say. "awwwwww" i hear from the door. of course, hobi and yoongi PURPOSELY didn't close the door. i see Shelby, cassidee, hobi, and yoongi at the door, with their phones out taking pictures.

i look at the time and i say "its past your curfew, go to bed" while turning to them. "we don't have to" hobi replies. "actually yes you do, we have to be at the studio tomorrow for 10" i reply. "ugh, fine mom" replied cassidee. "correction, i'm the mom" says jin. i playfully punched him in the shoulder and chuckled while saying "really jin?" he looks at me and says "what?" i reply with "you're not a girl." he says "i can still be the eomma in this house if i want to" "whatever" i say.

i went to go take a shower and i hear a knock on the door. "yes?" i say. "kiera, where are your frying pans?" says i assume it's jin. "bottom cabinet. thanks for not opening the door unlike SOME PEOPLE" i said, emphasizing the end. "what do you mean?" he says while OPENING THE DOOR. "JIN IM SHOWERING DO YOU MIND" "as soon as you put on my song awake and sing it i'll leave." he says. "warning, i can't hit higher notes, so imma sound like a dead raccoon." i say. "it's whatever" i started to sing it and he looked at me in awe. "GET OUT NOW SO I CAN FINISH SHOWERING"

i get out the shower and i smell food. "DINNERS READY!" yelled jin from the kitchen. everyone bolted to the kitchen table to get the food. we ate and i went to bed, cuddling with jin, as always. "so are we a thing now?" he says. "do you want to be?" i reply. "why not?" he says smiling. "well goodnight sweetie~" "don't call me that" i say. "why?" he asked. "it's cheesy" "okay, goodnight jagiya" "goodnight~" "you're not going to call me oppa?" he says, almost looking offended. i roll my eyes and say "goodnight oppa~" i swear to god i heard him smile.


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