Chapter 4

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I wake up with a pounding headache. I turn over to see jin next to me asleep.  I get up to go to the bathroom and my phone rings. I look over at the caller id and its my best friend that lives in korea.. I met him when I first arrived in korea. he is also an idol.. but he is a solo artist. I answer the phone and say "whats up eric?" he says "did I wake you up?" "oh, no.. I was getting up and you called." "okay.. do have any plans today?" 'no... I don't think so.. why whats up?" "i wanted to know if you and cassidee would want to come and help me practice today.." "oh.. yea of course." "okk.. ill see you when you get here" "ok.. byee" "bye"

I got out of bed and decided to go to the kitchen and grab some water. "that better not be the only thing I see you consuming today." I hear a voice from the kitchen. "its not mom." I say. I turn around and see yoongi. he says "correction, its grandpa." "ok grandpa" I say, and then laugh. "I'm serious.. don't only drink water today." he says, with a serious tone. "my apologies but you aren't going to see me today until about 11." I say. "why" he asks. "eric asked me and cassidee to go help him at the studio.." "oh.. make sure you eat there too." he says. "why are you so worried about my health. why are all of you so concerned with me? yea, ive had problems in the past, but I got over them with time. cassidee wasn't there with me all the time.. neither was jade or Shelby. they knew about how I was because we were close.. and I told them after I recovered. they've never witnessed me go through anything because I locked myself away. I didn't go to school, I locked myself in my room." I replied.. I was tired of people caring about me or what I did. that's why I just blew up.. on yoongi. "I'm sorry." I say. "no, its fine. I get it. ive been through what youre going through. I got through it with music. you can get through it with something you enjoy as well.. which is dance I assume. go do what makes you happy. we just care about you. we want you to be happy. we don't want you going through what youre going through. especially since cassidee said you used to be the j-hope in your friend group." he chuckles. "well thanks for caring." I say.

I made me some pizza rolls because pizza rolls are amazing. I sat and ate them in front of yoongi.. so he knew I had eaten. I went to my room when I was done and got dressed. forgetting that jin was in there.. I started changing. I hear a voice coming from the bed, "really kiera.. change in the bathroom" said jin in a groggy voice. "OMG IM JFDFOGRGKR" and I ran into the bathroom. I finished changing and I went back out to my room. "kiera, make sure you know I'm in here before you do that again.." says jin. "I'm sorryyy" I reply.

I ran out to cassidee's room and opened the door to wake her up.. cause I thought she was still asleep. the first thing I'm greeted with when I opened the door is cassidee and hoseok.. making out. "CASSIDEE WE ARE GOING TO ERIC'S STUDIO. STOP BEING NASTY" I yelled. hoseok and cassidee jumped and hoseok screamed. "come on we have to go" I say and I laugh. I walk out and close the door. "WHO JUST SCREAMED" said yoongi. "CASSIDEE AND HOBI SITTING IN A TREE K I S S I N-" before I could finish cassidee ran out of her room and yelled "SHUT UP KIERA" "I DONT WANT KIDS RUNNING AROUNF THIS HOUSE YET. MAYBE IN THE FUTURE, BUT NOT THIS SOON" I say. all of a sudden a shoe flew at my face. "PAYBACK" yelled cassidee.

cassidee had came out of her room and we went to eric's house. (in case you haven't caught on yet.. eric nam.. ya know.. asc) we arrive at his house and the first thing he says is "HEY BEST FRIENDS" I said "ohh,, I wanna hug" he hugs me and we just laugh. we went to his studio and we helped him work on some new songs. after about an hour, cassidee says "hey kiera,, I'm gonna go with the boys at the house. let me know when you come back home" "ok" I reply. "the boys?" eric questioned. "yea.. bangtan is staying with us at the moment" "oh?, do you like any of them" is says, with a smirk on his face. "the member jin is staying in my room, and he is so cute djndfh" and I kinda fangirled.

"tell me more" eric said. "he is really cute, he cares A LOT about my health. he is very talented. he is caring. I love his voice. and his broad shouLDERS OMG" I yelled. little did I know, eric had BTS ON THE PHONE. "WHEN DID YOU TAKE MY PHONE OUT MY POCKET" I yell. "you don't pay attention do you?" he says and laughs. "I HATE YOU ERIC" I say. "YOU AND JACKSON? WHO ELSE?" he yells.. we ended up just yelling at each other.

I just got home and as soon as I opened the door.. I saw 6 members staring at me. with smirks on their face. "where is jin?" I asked. "he hasn't been home all day.." says jungkook. "DONT EVEN TRY TO TALK TO ME AFTER WHAT HAPPENED ON THE PHONE EARLIER." "its ok.. jin wasn't here." said taehyung. "so all of you know about how I like-" I was interrupted by yoongi coughing and saying "ID BE CAREFUL ABOUT WHAT YOU SAY KIERA." he says really loudly motioning to the door. I heard keys being put into the door knob. the door was opened and jin and cassidee walked in. "oh.. kiera youre home!" he says and hugs me. "yea.. where did you guys go?" I ask. "the store to grab food for jin to cook" says cassidee.  "i have a surprise for you." says cassidee. "come here." I say. cassidee walked over to me and whispered in my ear, "jin has a crush on you." my eyes got wide and I saw jin's face turn pale. I smirked and looked over to hobi and yoongi. "sope come here" I say.

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