allisons kidnapping chapter 8

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sorry this is short but right now i have a major case of writers block and i want to see if i can work on wanted but i just cant think right right now. again sorry for the still a bit sick feeling and now in the process of redecorating my room:D

and yet again sorry for the shortness but i hope you like it



I woke up but I kept my eyes closed. I thought about my little conversation with Dustin. He said he loved me, and I kind of liked him to. The only thing is that I know I am meant to be with Kendall. Kendall is perfect for me. His blue eyes amaze me its like looking in to the ocean . His smile makes me smile. But then again Dustin's eyes looked so nice and his smile always made me smile a little. I don't know who I should choose. I made Dustin mad last night but what I told him was true. I loved Kendall.

I was so deep in thought that I just realized there was someone in bed with me. His arm wrapped around my waist and I was cuddles up to his chest. He smelled sweet and was like a teddy bear. It was Kendall. He was still asleep and looked so cute. I was afraid to get up because I didn't want to wake him up.

I just laid there with him for a few minutes. Suddenly his eyes opened and he smiled at me.

I smiled back. It was hard to keep a straight face when he smiled or even looked at me. He leaned in towards me getting even closer than what he was and he kissed me. Yet again I felt electricity fly through my body. It seemed as that's all he wanted to do at the moment because I was the one to pull away. He looked at me and smiled. When he smiled his eyes kind of sparkled.

"did you have a bad dream last night?" he blurted out. Hmm so that's why he came over to me last night I must of really been crying physically. I decided not to tell him the complete truth so I just nodded my head and gave an innocent smile.

"okay " he said but it sounded like he didn't believe me. I wonder if he knows that Dustin can talk to me and that I speak to ghost. Speaking of ghost wonder where destiny is.

" well I have to go and get ready and so do you we need to work on your powers again." he smiled and kissed me one more time before getting up and walking away from me. I got up and got dressed. I also did all the other morning routines such as going to the bathroom and eating and so on. Then I went to learn more with Kendall.


I watched as she worked on her powers. She was amazing. When she used her powers she practically glowed. I watched he manipulate the water, freeze the water, and do everything else with it. She was very advanced in her powers. Just by looking at her you could tell she wasn't normal. That she was amazing and her future was great. She would one day be the ruler of the water kingdom. Or maybe the whole land? I don't know yet its to hard to see that far into her future.


I watched as Allison and her little water bending boyfriend practiced with her powers. I must say she is extravagant. She is very advanced with her abilities. It makes me sad that I am going to have to steal her. She will be mine. I'll make sure of that. With her our future will be great. I will teach her more of the powers nobody but me could teach her.

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