Allisons kidnapping- the story of how i was kidnapped chapter 2

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well today is picnic day but last night i managed to type this. Sorry but is kind of short, antway i hope you like it. and dont forget to comment if your read so i know what you people are thinking.

:) laters-Brandi



Well she was asleep again. I got to sit beside her and she was leaning on me, with her head on my chest. She was kind of cute looking when she sleeps, but she looks much better awake. Her short messy brown hair and bright blue eyes just made anyone around her feel hypnotized. I was a little bored so I decided to go in to her mind and explore to see if I can find anything out about her.

She was dreaming I think. It was completely dark in her mind and then suddenly lights were flashing everywhere. I tried looking around for her but it was to hard to see with the lights flashing past me. I walked around for a few minutes but she was nowhere in sight. One thing about her, her mind is just a little scary because I can her things running around but yet I cant see anything. It must be one of her abilities either that or those pills are not good for people. After a bit more of wondering I saw her. She was in a white flowy dress and was surrounded by...people...and animals. They were all talking to her. Wow it has to be her abilities or something. Everything but her turned around to me and just disappeared. I ran up to Allison silently and whispered her name. I must of scared her because she disappeared and all the lights turned in to lightning. It was actually scary so I decided to get outta there before something eats me.

"So what was she dreaming about?" asked Will.

" her dream was kinda of scary actually" I replied.

"Well get her to wake up, we need to talk to her now before we get there." he said.

"Okay" I replied. I hated being third in command but its a lot better than what this girl is going to be.


"wake up" I heard a guy whisper. I looked around and I was all alone in complete darkness just floating there.

"why?" I asked. Then Dustin appeared. Great he is in my dream...again.

"Because you have to wake up" he replied and then disappeared. Well I would if I knew how. Then someone shook me. I opened my eyes to see Dustin. "Well I said you had to get up" he laughed.

"really?" I said. These people better watch out I might try to kill them in there sleep.

'you wouldn't be able to kill us" said Austin. Crap I forgot about them being able to read my mind. O well they get to hear my random thoughts. So wonder where we are?.

"Well we aren't where we should be but that's because we need to talk to you" Will said. Okay but I probably wont listen. ha-ha.

"Yes, you will listen or you will be in trouble." he said. Wow I am so afraid...not.

"you should be afraid and you will learn respect" he kind of threatened me. Yeah sure I should show respect to the people that kidnapped me...I don't think so.

" we can talk about that later. Well, anyway your blood line is very important just like ours. You will start changing soon. You see there are more lands than just the human ones. You are from those lands and are marked by them. Your eyes are bright blue with extremely dark blue around them. That means you are from the water lands, but you have brown hair which is only common for people from the earth lands. You also have unusual blood. You don't know that vampires and werewolves exit along with many other creature, such as ghost. a lot of these creatures are searching for you, because not only are you from the water lands and earth lands but also your blood has both werewolf and vampire blood in you. You also have a connection to the ghost land so you can talk to se and hear them. See with all these blood lines in you it makes you extremely valuable to many creatures over here, because like us you will have multiple powers" Will ranted on for a while.

" what are you guys then?" I asked.

"we are like you but we only have water and earth and fire people in us. The other half I s wolf so we are all half wolf, but Austin has ties to the ghost land like you." he said. Will looked at him and then continued to talk. I didn't listen until he said...

"you will fall in love soon and we want to make sure it's the right kind of person" and he smiled.

"well that's nice to know but I don't really care" I said.

"there is also a war and if we have you then our side will win." he smiled again.

" I don't really care I'd rather be dead." I replied. Then I tried to walk away from them. Bad idea. Austin grabbed my waist and Dustin grabbed my arm.

We don't want to lose you" he smiled "we are all going to put our marks on you so we don't loose you" with that I saw a pill but I managed to refuse. Then Will pulled out a needle and injected me with something. I fought the darkness who was grabbing at my hands and lifting me up. As it did i9t closed my eyes.

I woke up aching everywhere. My ankle wrist and side all had what looked like tattoos on them. Great now I was "marked".

" suddenly Austin appeared, "well I am going to explain those marks to you now. The one on your wrist is Dustin's, the one on your ankle is Wills and on you side is mine." he smiled." each of them is infused with our blood so we can always find you so now you are connected to us." he said.

"wait your blood is on me, that's cool and disgusting all at the same time." I said.

"actually it is inside you" he frowned.

" what" I said. eww now its just disgusting.


like i said sorry about it being so short.

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