Allisons kidnapping chapter 5

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After that I wondered around the house for a little. I found a garden that was nice looking after sitting there for an hour while Izzy watched me I completely

zoned out. I wondered how I was going to get away if I have someone watching me constantly. I finally opened my eyes and glanced at Izzy and she sat there

looking...sad. Wonder why.

"come on we need to get you to your new room." she said in a monotone. I followed her and she led me in to a huge room. She left shortly after and I looked around. It had a huge bed the one side was I a big window looking out at the forest. There were three doors one was a bath room and the other two were closets filled with stuff. One was a guys though but I didn't know why.

" why hello again" said Connor. Hmm what's going on why is he here. Before I could say some thing back to him I was tackled to the ground. I looked up and he was pinning me to the ground. I looked away because I didn't want to look at his eyes.


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"look at me" he whispered in my hear but I didn't I closed my eyes. He put his face next to mine and I could smell his sweet breath. It had a citrus smell. That is so weird considering what vampires eat. I still had my eyes closed .

He whispered " Allison, please look at me, I wont hurt you I promise." I almost opened my eyes when a voice in my heard said don't listen to him he is lying. I didn't open my eyes still so Connor sighed and got off of me. Yay! I won this small battle against him. Then I felt him lift me up and sit me on the bed I think. I decided to open my eyes and see what he was doing.

He was walking around the room then he took notice to me with my eyes open and smiled. Next thing I know he was up in front of me. He looked at me but I looked away. He sat next to me and then he had his arm around me. Eww I hate when people get that close to me. "Allison please open your eyes and look at me." he pleaded. After about 5 minutes he started talking again...I still had my eyes closed.

"well you are going to share this room with me. You can do anything you want as long as I know about it. You will listen to everything I tell you and will do what I say no matter what." he said and continued babbling but I didn't want to listen. Wow what is up with kidnappers expecting me to do whatever they want. I wont and I will just try to run away from them. After about an hour Connor left and left me alone.

'well, how are we going to get out of this?' said that little voice in my head

I don't know but I'll try

'well what if you go to that pond thingy you were at later?' hmm the voice in my head was actually being nice and helpful.

Okay but I want to rest before that so I can run and think better

'well get you rest now' said the voice.

With that I laid down and fell asleep. In my dream land I saw everything . I saw Destiny she said she would help me get away. I talked to my pap and everyone else. I got to play with my old dog Smokey. I wanted to stay in the ghost lands but I was told its not my time yet.

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