Chapter 1 - Meeting One Direction.

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Hi this is the very first one that I have ever done so can you please let me know what you think and if you think i should carry on.

Hey my name is Jasmine but my friends call me Jazz, and I am a normal 16 year old , and I got three friends, Jessica we all call her Jess, Abbie who loves to be called Abs, and last but no least Amanda who is called A. I'm not the skinniest person in the world, or the prettiest, let’s just say that all boys who know me either make fun of me or ignore me.

I and Jess was organizing a day with Abbie and Amanda, to practice our dance routine, it was really hard because we kept tripping over and bumping into each other because, and my kitchen is small with four people dancing in it. After a couple of hours of dancing we sat in the back garden to be in the sun, 

"Oh, why does have to be so hot?" Amanda moaned, we couldn't help just bursting out with laughter, 

"Would you prefer it to be so cold that we are frozen?" I giggled, while I was flipping through my magazine with a one direction special in side it. That is really the only reason I got the magazine in the first place, some people would say I was obsessing over one direction but I dont care.

After the sun bathing we went back to dancing and then we herd a few people singing and messing around outside so me and the girls shut Marley my dog in the living room then went out the front to see what was going on, 

It was one direction singing Harry's part and the chorus to Moments,

If we could only have this life,

 For one more day,

If we could only turn back time.

You know I'll be,

You’re life,

you'r voice,

You'r reason to be,

My love,

My heart,

I'll find the words to say,

Before you leave me today,

"OH MY GOD IT'S ONE DIRECTION" the girls screamed all together they looked at us like we where crazy, I was doubled over laughing so I straightened up, and walked over toward them but I started to go really red, and got really nervous, 

"Hi I'm Jasmine, (but my friends call me Jazz) and these are my three closest friends" I almost whisperd "your one direction? So sorry about my friends squealling." 

" Yes thats right, are you a fan," Niall smiled a heart breaking smile and looked into my eye's as he spoke to me, I couldn't say anything so I just nodded blushing an even deeper red. 

"D-D-Do you want t-t-t-to come in?" I stuttered, at the same time as blushing even a deeper red than last time, and I saw Louis and Harry laughing at me, so I turned and went to go in, "I guess I'm bothering you" I said in a unhappy tone towards them, " I will go." I heard the sadness in my voice and hoped that they didn't.

"OMG! IT'S ONE DIRECTION!" Gigi shouted (Gigi is the daughter of the enemy family), I turned around and saw her with more people that I didn't reconize, I hope she don't see me and the girls I thought to myself, then it hit me they only noticed the boy's, I waved the girls over and we ran to block Gigi's way,

"Thank's and err have you got a place we can stay untill they leave? They have been chasing us all day" one of them begged, but I couldn't take my eyes off of Gigi to find out who it was so I just nodded,

"Yes, y'know the house that me and my friends came out of get in there" I wispered to whoever it was, we all headed towards the house. I went first to make sure all windows were locked and the back door was open.

"Err, who's music is this playing?" Louis asked, me and the girls exchanged look's and I could tell they weren't going to admitt it was theres so I said it was mine instead, "Oh cool, it was just a question you don't have to go all shy, about it we love our fans, 'cause without them we wouldn't be here." he said matter of factly.

"Who was she and how do you lot know her?" Zayn asked, while pointing his finger at us, me and the girls looked at each other once again, and like last time I go ahead and explain.

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