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Robb was true to his word. He did return from the war with Y/N and the children. Y/N found comfort in riding beside Jon with Y/F/S/N who had insisted on riding with Jon in order to cheer his sombre mother up. The smile never left Y/N's face when Y/F/S/N, Jon, Y/S/S/N had become the light in her very dark, heart, breaking situation.

Upon the return to Winterfell, Robb, presumed everything would go back to their old routine; Y/N would begin to forgive him; she would walk into his arms and Robb would finally get his wife back into the comfort of his arms, so once again he would feel his wife soft skin and smell the soft flowery perfume that Y/N always seemed to carry with her. Robb was hit with a harsh reality. Y/N wouldn't look at him.Y/N wouldn't talk to him unless she absolutely had to. Every time Robb thought about taking Y/N's hand, she would move her away. Y/N was disgusted by her husband and she wasn't hiding it.

On one cold winter morning, Y/N decided to take a walk with Jon to her favourite bakers, they always provided the sweetest of treats and the freshest loaves of bread. It was definitely the best place to go if you need a pick me up of the sweet kind. While Y/N was heading back, Jon kept making bad puns and jokes as they walked back to the castle. Y/N was laughing, despite the bad jokes.

"Jon, these jokes are so bad. Where on earth did you ever them from?" Y/N asked as Jon wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders.

"Some of the soldiers. Hey, they made you laugh it's something I don't get to see lately well I see a smile except it's false. I know you've been crying whenever you're on your own. Y/N, you haven't been the same since it happened. So from now on me along side Y/F/S/N are going to do everything in our power to keep that beautiful natural smile there." Jon looked at Y/N who was smiling at him; her bright Y/E/C thinking like a star. Jon pressed a kiss to her forehead when his eyes were distracted by something unpleasant; Talisa was walking into the castle grounds, desperately needing to keep Y/N happy, Jon had to think quickly.

"Why don't you go and take Y/F/S/N and Y/S/S/N for a walk in the Godswood?" Jon asked but it was too late Y/N had already caught sight of Talisa.

"Why is she heading into the castle? I thought Robb said she wouldn't be able to come into the castle?"

"Maybe she got lost?" Jon replied hastily, Y/N eyes and body flew to Jon.

"Why are you defending her? How could you?" Y/N began walking away from Jon, heading straight towards Talisa.

"What are you doing within these walls?" Y/N snapped the noble whore smile get a smirk underlying underneath.

"I have been summoned by King Robb, to his private chambers. He's our one true King after all, right?" With that, she turned and walked into the castle. Jon caught up with Y/N. She turned to Jon, the twinkle in her eye had disappeared, her sadness had returned in her eyes.

"Jon, I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you" Jon shooks his head, walking towards Y/N who was increasingly shrinking back into her shell that had been created upon news of Robb's betrayal

"It's okay, Y/N you must promise me that you will stop letting the noble whore get to you. You're strong and great women and Queen. You need to show this. So instead of taking that walk, why don't we take Y/S/F/N down to the kitchens instead to raid the pantry" Y/N flashed Jon a smile before they headed to go and fetch Y/F/S/N so they could have some fun for a while and forget the problem that consumed their lives.

After a long day full of laughter and joy, spending time with her three favourite people who made her realise that the people of Winterfell needed her, as did Jon, Bran, and Rickon. The time for her being weak, sad and angry was over. Y/N was Queen it was the time like she acted like one again.

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