•Best friend's brother

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You linked arms with your best friend as you walked down the high street, a couple shopping bags hanging from your other arm as you talked away about the usual topic, boys. Sansa was talking about a boy at work who she thought handsome and was sure he liked her back. Then she was asking you about who you liked and you had to put on your best fake smile and say no one. You couldn’t exactly tell your best friend that you thought her brother was hot. Especially when he quite openly flirted with you and Sansa always got annoyed about it.

“You don’t like anyone?” Sansa presses on, “No one at all? Not even a little crush?”

You laugh but shake your head, “No Sansa, not even a little crush.” You reply, which wasn’t exactly a lie. It wasn’t a crush you had on her brother, you were pretty sure you were madly in love with the guy.

“Well that’s a shame, I could of tried to hook you up with them.” Sansa laughs and tugs on your arm, “Oh you have to come round for dinner tonight! Jon is back from university so we’re having this big family meal, as we don’t see him much. My mum said to invite you, you’re practically family.”

You nod your head, “Yeah sure I’ll be there.” You smile as you unlink your arm ready to go your separate ways.

“Wear that new dress you got!” Sansa calls as you start walking away.

You laugh but agree to wear it as you hurry off to catch the bus to your house.

Later that night you got ready to go to the Starks’ for dinner, putting on the new dress you got like Sansa told you. You checked yourself out in the mirror and sighed, you were sure you were over dressed for a simple family meal, but knew Sansa would be disappointed if you turned up in something else now. She’d already text you a couple times to make sure you were wearing the dress.

You remember the strange comment she’d made when she’d found it, “Oh (Y/N), isn’t it pretty? It’d suit you so well you have to get it. Did you know this is Robb’s favourite colour?” She’d thrust the dress into your hands and practically pushed you to the tills. You shook your head, deciding to think nothing of it, Sansa was always talking about her siblings. She came from a big family so how could she not.

Sansa only lived three blocks from you, in the big house on the corner, so you walked there taking your time as your nerves took over. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d seen Robb. It must of been over a month ago, at their brother Rickon’s birthday party. You remember he’d stood way too close to you for a little bit too long and Sansa had dragged you way, glaring at her older brother. He hadn’t dared to talk to you again after that, but you could feel his eyes on you, you’d convinced yourself he was acting that way to annoy his sister and it was definitely working.

You knocked on the hard wooden door and waited for one of the Stark’s to open the door, the night was chilly and you wished you’d put a jacket on now, suddenly feeling very exposed. The door flung open to reveal Catelyns smiling face.

“(Y/N)! I’m so glad you came. You look beautiful dear, come in.” She pulls you inside and into a hug, shutting the door behind you, “You’ve been a stranger recently, you know you’re welcome here any time.”

“I know Mrs. Stark. I’ve been busy with work, I’ll be sure to visit more often.” You smile politely. Honestly the reason you hadn’t been round is because you didn’t want to see the eldest Stark child, sure if you avoided him your silly feelings would go away.

“How many times must I tell you, call me Catelyn.” She scolds you, the way she always did when you called her Mrs. Stark but you just couldn’t help it.

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