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Y/N Hornwood, whose House was sworn to the Starks, had known Robb Stark once. They met as children, but now they met through war. Would things still be the same or would Robb be too caught up in the war to even notice her?

Music flooded through the tarps of Robb’s tent as he loomed over his map of Westeros. His mind wasn’t on the celebration outside; while his men drank to the victory at the Whispering Wood, the Young Wolf thought out his next move.

Robb was so enthralled by possible strategies, he didn’t notice his mother walking into the tent. When Catelyn walked into his line of sight, her son’s back straightened and he gave his mother a tired smile.

“Sorry, mother, I was thinking about the next attack. Tywin is going to want the Kingslayer back, but he’s too far-”

“Robb,” Catelyn interrupted, “please, take a breath.” She placed a comforting hand on her son’s shoulder. At the contact, Robb’s war-ready spirit wavered. “Your father would be proud of you,” Catelyn said, causing Robb to furrow his brows.

“For sentencing two thousand men to die?” He shook his head, feeling tears sting at his eyes. He would be his father’s biggest disappointment.

“No,” Catelyn whispered, “he would be proud of how you fought. With honor, for your family.” His mother’s voice faltered, cries threatening to spill out her throat. The loss of Ned was still fresh on her heart, just as it was for Robb.

Feeling his mother’s pain, Robb wrapped his strong arms around Catelyn as she felt tears spring free from her eyes. She held onto her son and as she closed her eyes, she could see the day Robb was first brought into the world. The days that passed when Ned met his first born son. Oh the plans her husband had for their child; all for not now.

“This is not the life he wanted for you,” she choked out, “he wanted you in Winterfell, married with children of your own.” Catelyn pulled away from her son’s embrace, “to give that up, the easy way in, your father would be proud.”

“Thank you, mother,” Robb said lowly. His tired smile relaxed as he looked into his mother’s comforting gaze. A crashing sound from outside disrupted the moment and called the celebration outside to Robb’s attention. “How are the men?”

“Drunk,” Catelyn stated bluntly, making Robb smile a little. “They are hoping to see their King celebrating as well,” she coaxed. Her encouragement was met by a frown from Robb; he had no desire to watch his intoxicated force dance to old tunes. “It would do them, and yourself, some good. Tomorrow’s fighting can hold for the evening.”

“That sounds like an order,” Robb said, his smile holding firm.

“You may be the King in The North, but I am still your mother,” Catelyn pointed out. Robb grinned, feeling the weight of command lifting off his shoulders for a moment.

“I will drink,” Robb said reluctantly, “but only to put your spirit at ease.” Catelyn smiled at her son, linking her arm in his. As Robb walked her out of the tent, men clapped and cheered. Robb’s heart beat raced at the sound, the admiration of his men.

“Goodnight my boy,” Catelyn said softly, “and make wise choices.” She unlinked her arm and Robb watched as his mother walked through the camp. He knew where she was going; to question Jaime Lannister on his sister’s whereabouts.

Before he could even think about going with her, a man handed him a mug of ale. The old soldier clapped Robb on the back with a toothless grin.

“For you mah King,” the man cheered. Robb gave him a nod of thanks and lifted his mug to the surrounding men.

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