Once Again

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His eyes locked with yours within seconds of you stepping into the tavern, it had been a long journey, but his dark eyes on you, made it worth the traveling.

You smiled down at the dirty floor and wondered if he’d think less of you - a woman in such a place, but the smile on his face spoke volumes, he was happy to see you. 

The two of you had grown up together, your father was Ned Stark’s good friend and often, you spent summers at Winterfell. Robb was two years older than you, but he relished in the way you could keep up. Running in the woods beside him, sword playing with branches until the two of you were summoned back to the castle. And when you grew older, things had changed. You no longer ventured out with him, but still, the bond was strong. The looks of childish mockery turned into longing stares, neither of you unable to hold a smile when the other entered the room. 

So as Robb approached you, his heart swelled with the realization that things had not changed. The smile on his face was evident enough, you were simply his one true love.

“Robb,” you spoke softly as he stood in front of you - looking every bit like a Stark, confident and kind.

The noise around the dimmed room faded into the background and he reached down for your hand. It was like being in Winterfell again, the roaring laughter of fleeting youth filled the air and your heart.

His skin against yours felt like home and you gave him a private glance. “I have missed you.”

“And I you,” he insisted with deep sincerity, bring your hand to his lips. “I shall never tire of your presence. Never, my love. Are you ready to go home?”

“Yes, my sweet Robb, take me to Winterfell.”

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