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Your house, House (H/N), has always been loyal to the Starks. For as long as you could remember, you lived in Winterfell. When your father fell ill, however, your house was in a critical state. You were their only child, and unwed. So, your mother managed to secure a betrothal to a Frey. As ugly as the man was, you were now part of a house bigger than your own, and with it came more money.

You lived at the Twins in the Riverlands, but that didn’t stop you from visiting home, to your parents and the Starks. You were, after all, close to them all.

Especially Robb. There was always… something… between the two of you. What, you couldn’t say. You were friends, of course, but everyone knew about the longing looks, about the lingering touches, and about the feelings even you weren’t fully aware of.

You arrived at Winterfell after traveling, and immediately, you were reminded just how cold it was there. You pulled your grey cloak tighter around you as you stepped out of your wheelhouse, and you were greeted by your mother and father.

“(Y/N)! Darling!” Your mother exclaimed as she proudly pulled you into a tight hug, which you returned equally. You then hugged your father, and the three of you exchanged greetings before you went back to their home. You were only there for a short time, having eaten and bathed, before Robb visited.

Immediately upon seeing him, your heartbeat hastened, your eyes widened, and you got butterflies in your stomach. Wait, no, forget butterflies- you had full on bats. Ravenous bats that flew around, making you nauseous and nervous. Robb had grown up considerably since the two of you last met, but you had, too. His jawline was stronger, and light brown facial hair was growing along it. His hair seemed darker and curlier than you remembered, but his eyes remained the same, just as strong as before.

“Robb, what a pleasure to see you,” You curtsied slightly as a formality.

However, he was apparently past formalities. He smiled and laughed before he embraced you firmly.

“Is that anyway to greet an old friend?” He said in your ear. The proximity of his mouth to your ear sent chills down your spine, his breath tickled your neck. Hesitantly, the two of you parted, and you realised that your cheeks were flushed.

“I came once I heard you were home,” Robb explained.

He had a grin now, a grin you recognized. It was your secret signal, see, one that you had when you were children. If you were right, it meant he really just wanted to speak with you somewhere. There was a glimmer in his eyes that confirmed your thoughts. You told your parents you were going off to visit the rest of his family, but in reality, you were going off somewhere to spend some quality time with Robb.

Once the two of you were outside, Robb offered you his arm. You gratefully looped your arm with his, and allowed him to lead you away. You made small talk; Robb asked you about the Riverlands, about the Frey’s and how your husband was treating you. You asked him about his family, and about the way things were going at Winterfell. By the time you had stopped walking, you realized you were now by the Godswood.

“Why are we here?” You asked, letting go of his arm and looking around with confusion.

Robb stood in front of you, and in your eyes, you could see that he was in pain. He licked his lips, something you knew he did when he was nervous.

“I need to speak with you. This is the only place I could think of where no one would interrupt us.” Robb said. Now, he stepped closer, his hands clasping yours. “(Y/N), everyday you have been away has been terrible. I miss you. Your family misses you.”

You knew what was coming. Every time you came home, Robb tried to convince you to break off the marriage and return to live back in Winterfell. You always refused; it wasn’t that simple. Your family needed this marriage. You thought that of all people, Robb would understand. It seemed that you were wrong. This made you angry.

You ripped your hands from his. “Don’t start this again, Robb.”

“You don’t belong there, (Y/N)! You belong here, with your family.”

By then, you had your arms crossed and your back turned to him. Your jaw was clenched in anger. “We are not children anymore, Robb. Our duty must-”

“I don’t care.” More pleadingly, he added: “Break off the marriage. Come back to Winterfell. If I permit it then the Frey’s-”

“Don’t be ridiculous. Walder Frey would never allow it.” You turned back to him, shocked by his offer. “Why do you even care, Robb?” You were tired, and you wanted only to lay down somewhere, forgetting everything; the marriage, your duty to your family, Robb. You were tired of always having to do things you didn’t want to, simply because you had to. It was your life; you wanted to live it how you pleased.

“Because I love you! I thought that was obvious!” Robb suddenly shouted. His voice echoed throughout the woods. You were shocked by his outburst.

“No,” you gulped. “It wasn’t obvious. Maybe because any time I showed an interest in you, you ran away from me.”

It was true. When you were teenagers, you did indeed try to pursue Robb. You once tried to kiss him; he turned his head and said he had to go. You flirted with him; he went off and talked to other girls. After a while, you grew tired of this. You shut that part of your heart off. Until now.

“I was stupid, (Y/N), I was a stupid kid. It’s different now.” He stepped towards you, cupped your cheek, and tilted your head up so you were looking at him. “I’m sorry.”

By then, you were weak to his charms. You softened in his hands, clasping his hand over your cheek with your own hand. “It’s okay.” You whispered.

Finally, it happened; he kissed you. It was intense and passionate, but soft and firm. You locked your hands behind his neck while he softly pushed you back, until you were pressed against a tree trunk. His kisses trailed along your jawline, to your neck, leaving you breathless.

“This is a bad idea…” You managed to mutter, though it came out more as a hoarse breath.

Robb’s lips brushed against your collarbone as he replied with an equally hoarse “Yeah.”

Some better part of your mind was screaming at you that this was wrong, that you should stop, because this was cheating and you were married. But a larger part of you didn’t give a shit.

You gasped as he reached the sweet spot on your neck, tilting your chin up and tangling your fingers in his hair. Chills erupted throughout your entire body, and electricity coursed through your veins, making your fingertips tingle. You wanted him.

“A really bad idea.” You said, though the protest wasn’t really a protest at all. In fact, you didn’t want him to stop. You wanted to keep going. You couldn’t say that, really, but you knew this was wrong of you.

Much to your displeasure, he paused. His eyes met yours, his breathing as rugged as yours, and within them you could see pure passion. Adoration. Love.

“Do you want me to stop?” His tone was husky and hoarse, and a million times more attractive.

Gods, I’m a terrible person for this, you thought, before you replied.

“No.” And with that, you pulled his lips back to yours.

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