2x12 Runaway. (final chapter)

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Joseph groans as he holds his wound tightly. Ezekiel and Owen stared at the herd banging upon the glass. Pheobe was beside Joseph, trying her hardest to comfort the bleeding man. Bear was trying to get people out of the building. 

Joseph: P-Please just go. The longer you wait, the more they are closer to getting inside, and you don't want that.

Bear: You heard the man, lets get the fuck out of here.

Pheobe: but we can help him, he can get better. 

Joseph coughs a little bit of blood on Pheobe's face.

Joseph: Don't worry about me, i'll slow y'all down. Then we all die, When i c-can just let myself go, and they get halted for a bit... So just go.

Owen: He has a point. These doors won't last long if there's nearly a hundred against it. So Say your goodbyes and lets bounce.

Pheobe: Fuck you. Bear, help me pick him up.

Bear: Hun, You know we can't. we would be just as fast as the fucks outside trying to carry Joseph. and you know it.

Joseph looks up at Bear with a smile.

Joseph: Y-You're gonna have to force her away. 

The doors started to crack and bend inwards from the severe stress put upon them. Doing nothing but holding the undead back from getting inside. Ezekiel took one last look at the herd before walking away to the other end of the cafeteria. Bear watched Ezekiel walk away, he was thinking in his own mind. Thats when he ran and grabbed Pheobe's arm and started to drag her away. Pheobe started to scream and yell in protest, but deep in her mind, she knew she had to go. She just didn't want to leave someone who was so cool. Owen helped Bear pull Pheobe away. Joseph tried his best to smile and wave his blood soaked arm st them all. Watching them all leave while the double glass doors broke.

A flood of walkers came surging out of the doors. Going straight for Joseph on the table. A few grabbed his wound and dug their rotten fingers into his flesh. pulling him off the table and into the crowd so they could eat and tear him apart. All the while Joseph was screaming for mercy and begging for the pain to end. But it never did, it never ended for him until his face and brain was consumed after many hours of screaming, But his throat was eaten before that point. 

Pheobe chose to watch each and every single bit while being dragged by Bear and Owen. Ezekiel was on the other end of the school with the doors open so they can get out quickly. When Pheobe couldn't see Joseph anymore, then she had picked up her feet and started to rush out and away from the scene. Owen and Bear were close behind. With Ezekiel behind them all as they rushed to the field. They all saw that the bus was gone and replaced with a small Lincoln car in its place. Bear had picked up his running pace and reached the field first. He opened the car door and hopped inside. Not paying attention to Miguel's corpse laying on the ground nearby.

Pheobe and Owen got to the car and instantly slid into the passenger side doors and shut them behind them as they entered. Ezekiel was the last one to arrive, and as he opened his door, he looked down at the ground and saw the corpse f the evil man. Making him shiver in sort of twisted pleasure to see that man get what was coming to him. Ezekiel sat down and shut his door. Bear started the car and didn't eve hesitate about driving the immediate fuck out of the football field and left. Down the highway and away from town. Not stopping till Texhoma was a blur in the distance.

As Bear drove down the highway, the bright big moon had rose high above the travelers and covered the vast prairie of wheat and cotton fields and cattle in a navy blue hue light. Bear turned on the headlights and screamed with fear. He swerved the car to dodge the short bus that was sitting on the side of a bridge. Bear slammed on the brakes and the car started to skid. Not stopping till it was a few car lengths in front of the bus. Bear had to take a second to regain his composure with a few breathing techniques. Pheobe instantly got out of the car and did a jog towards the door of the short bus. Ezekiel was confused so he got out as well and followed Pheobe to the door of the bus. 

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