The bells are ringing. 2x03

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Ezekiel slowly awakes. He hears a faint ringing but its unknown as to what it is. He groans weakly and looks to his right. Faintly Seeing the blur of the football feild with Pheobe sitting with Bear and Don. Arianna was missing and he was confused as to why.

The beaten ten groaned in pain as he slowly got off the wooden counter. Standing up on shakey legs. He clung to the wall for strength and slowly walked for the door. He struggled to look through his black eye as he opened the door. Getting bright light directly in his face. He used his arm to block the light and looked towards the feild. He shakily walked towards the field.

Pheobe was the first to noticed and quickly got up. Running to the teens side. Helping him down the stairs and towards the field. Don smiled at the sight of his brother up and around. Even bear sat up to look.

Don: Well hello dear brother. It has been some time!

Ezekiel: w-where are we at?

The teen squinted but could not see. His glasses were shattered in the left lens. And a right black eye didnt help the case. Pheobe steadily helped the teen sit down by the firepit so he could rest.

Pheobe: We are at the football field. This is our home now. Arianna is out right now getting you supplies.

Ezekiel: w-why did she l-leave us?

The teen shivered lightly. It was cold in the mornings of this season. It was horrible to wake up to no warmth. Despite the fact of warm houses with blankets around them. They were not secure...

Don decided to make a fire going when he noticed the shivering Ezekiel. Making a nice tinder bundle and then sticks provided by Bear. Ezekiel hazily stared into the fire. He was silent for so long. It made they other three feel saddened and fall to dispare. Eventually Ezekiel looked up to the others.

Ezekiel: do... Do you think there is some... Significant purpose to us being here? Some grand reason why we... Why the. The weak people... Have to go through such shit.

Pheobe could sense the stress in Ezekiel when she saw the clenched teeth. Ezekiel also had his fists balled up in slight anger. Pheobe gently put her arm around Ezekiels shoulder. He just hazily looked to pheobe. He started to shed a tear and looked away. Back into the fire.

Don: hey... Ezekiel... Its ok. We all went through shit. Just some of us get it worse than others. Just means you are tougher than others...

Bear: yea man. Dont think of it wrong way or whateve- what the shit?

The 4 got really quiet when they heard the sound of a loud diesel pickup truck driving through the streets. Headed towards the football field.


Pheobe got the sudden instinct to get Ezekiel to cover and pushed him towards the small bleachers. Ezekiel screamed aloud in pain and layed on the grass.

Bear rushed towards Ezekiel to help get him further across. Don was idiotic and ran the opposite way. Towards the locked white brick snack shack. Pheobe chased after Don towards the snack shack.

There was a large black pickup that rounded the curve in the road. Driving along the fence line slowly of the football field. The back window was open and a shadowed man with an AR-15 rifle shot blindly onto the field.

Revelation Revolutions 2: A Fenced PrimacyWhere stories live. Discover now