What more can I say?

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A/N: Sorry the update took so long. And sorry I updated this and not the the others. First writer's block. But we can blame it on Mike and OMLLive. Got to me, don't know why. Anyhow, here we are and tomorrow I hope I can update White Noise (probably).


Almost week had gone. Chester wasn't anymore sure his decision had been a good one. It had felt like one then. Working with the emcee was harder than ever and Chester was growing desperate. Part of him wished that Mike would have never kissed him and the other part that he hadn't made that decision to move on. Guilt was already chewing him up and they had only kissed, twice. But he couldn't control his thoughts. Looking Mike's long fingers around the neck of the guitar or hearing the laughter that brightened the whole room was causing him physical pain. He was lucky that they were practically never alone. Even now Brad was just across the room.

And Mike wasn't happy at the situation at all. He couldn't understand why he hadn't said something when the singer had suggested that they move on. How the hell I am supposed to forget my feelings?, he thought. But then he got home back to his wife and just felt so bad. So being miserable it is.

Chester was toying with some ideas on guitar while Mike was pushing a beat together. Then his ears heard something interesting and he had to turn around to listen.

"Play that again", he said staring at Chester who had hunched over the guitar.

The singer glanced up and nodded. Mike thought the melody was beautiful but there was something not quite right. He pushed his chair forward and got closer to the singer. After watching closely for a while he finally got one of Chester's fingers and placed it to another fret.

"There, try now again like that", he nodded.

But Chester had already forgotten what he was playing. Now he just stared at the emcee mouth open feeling his finger burn from the touch.

"Shit", Mike mumbled and rolled his chair back to the mixing table biting his lip.

"Sorry", he heard the singer say quietly.

"I think I would have been supposed to say that", Mike sighed. No touching, Mike. No touching. That is going to be hard, he reminded himself.

Chester glanced at Brad to see what he was doing before talking again. He wanted to be sure that he wouldn't hear their talk. Luckily the guitarist had headphones on and was concentrating to his guitar. Then he walked slowly next to Mike leaning to the table. No idea does Brad lip reading, but now he can't, he thought.

"I think we should talk again", the singer said startling Mike. The emcee turned to look at him and furrowed his brows.

"I think... The decision was hasty", Chester sighed fiddling with the guitar strings.

"Well what else do you suggest? It isn't like...", the emcee groaned not even knowing what to say. He was beyond frustrated. Feeling in between of his feelings and what he was supposed to do.

"I don't fucking know. I really don't Mike. All I know that sitting here watching you and not being able to touch you kills me", Chester swallowed hard glancing over the guitarist who still didn't pay attention to his surroundings.

Even hearing that made Mike's stomach feel funny. He couldn't believe that they were having similar feelings but couldn't do anything. Is this really the life I want to live, his mind was asking from him.

"You know what I mean. Like really touch you. Either it gets awkward or... other type of awkward", the singer interpreted Mike's silence wrong.

"I know. I was... thinking about the same thing", Mike sighed slowly reaching his hand to Chester's entwining their fingers together. The singer gulped when he felt the touch. This is so, so unfair, he thought.

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