Saying this is what you get

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A/N: Hello all! Check out my new drabble collection. If you want. I won't force. My I strongly suggest. Lol. And this one.. Ugh, I hate to write asshole characters but someone has to be the asshole. Or more like two in this story. Anyway>


When Chester woke up the next day he was alone. Frowning he slipped from under the covers and put his feet on the cold floor. He couldn't hear a shower so he assumed Mike was probably making breakfast. He walked to the kitchen but noticed that Mike was sitting cross legged on the couch staring at his phone.

"What are you doing?", the singer sat beside him stroking his leg softly.

Mike sighed. "Well... Thinking really. How we fix this mess."

"Oh... Have you come up with any plans?", Chester lifted his arm placing it around the other's shoulders.

"Not really. I think I need to talk with Anna but otherwise... maybe we need to let the dust settle. I just wish I would know what they think. Like... I know they are mad but is Brad mad like he doesn't want to see us ever again or mad like he will forgive us eventually. Or me. I think me more than you. And maybe you don't want that all", Mike answered his words turning to a mumble.

Chester sighed pulling the other against him. "No, we are still in the same boat. Brad might be more mad at you but that's because you two have known each other longer, way longer than us two. I don't know will he forgive you. I really don't know. But... I think that a friend would forgive. It could take a long time though. And maybe we... need to prepare to what if- situations. Rob said he would talk with Brad, right? Let him handle it. He could tell you then if and when Brad is ready to talk with you."

"Yeah... Maybe. How about the others? Maybe cause they... well you saw it. It isn't always that the yelling is the worst reaction", Mike leaned to Chester.

"I don't know. It has been barely a day. If we don't know how we feel about this all and what is the next step how would they", the singer kissed the top of Mike's head brushing his cheek with his fingertips.

Mike bit his lip. "I really don't want anything to change. Or... well I am happy that divorce is the next step. God, it will be messy too. And what if... she does something and... And Talinda! She hates me now!"

"Stop it. You can't know what they think, do or feel. Not really. But that reminds me that I do have to speak with Talinda before she does something", the singer groaned.

"Okay... Yeah, I agree. What if I call Anna cause Talinda is probably there?", the half Asian muttered.

"Text her. She won't probably answer if you call. Texting gives her more time to react", Chester gave a small kiss on his cheek.

Mike nodded and wrote a message. Which was what he had been trying to all along ever since he woke up.

"Hey. We need to talk. Is Talinda there?"

Then he lifted his knees up pressing them against his chest and leaned to the singer who was playing with his hair. Chester always knew how to calm him down and it was working again. Soon his phone made a small "blim" and he exhaled before reading it.

"Don't really have anything to say. I need more time. Yes, she is here. She wants you to know that she doesn't want to see you when she comes in few hours to pick up some clothes. She will stay here as long as she wants to. And she is pissed. Really, really pissed."

"Nice. Fuck", Mike mumbled sarcastically showing the message for the singer.

"Okay... Well. Guess that's the best then. You could do some groceries in the meanwhile? She shouldn't be here long if she is only going to pick up some clothes", the singer sighed.

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