Listen to your heart

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A/N: Here we are again. One journey at its end. Again such a sad feeling to let go. When I started this I had no idea would I even write it as multi chaptered. But I am happy I did. Now it is time for me to place the dot and continue with my other WIPs. There's delnoda, bourdelson, bennoda and bournoda so I have plenty to pour my feelings into lol. Thank you all who read, voted, commented- I love you guys!! <3



And Chester had been wrong. Talinda actually did release a statement and handled the divorce papers as she promised. Then she disappeared after her lawyer forwarded a message that she needs some time alone. Of course Chester had been reluctant to actually believe she wasn't planning something else cause the change had been so sudden.

Now, months after the whole thing, they were almost ready with the record and Chester was more anxious than ever. It had been terribly busy time and he had buried himself to the work. Everything seemed to work fine, by itself. But he couldn't shed the uneasy feeling on his chest. Touring sounded like a bad idea. It was just going to blow up on their faces. Chester was sure of it.

"What if she is still planning something?" he asked as they once again were arriving back to his place from the studio.

"Chester...", Mike sighed glancing him.

The singer shrugged turning his head to look out from the window. "Well it's possible don't you think?"

"Well anything is really. But don't you think it would be little farfetched? Why now? Why at all? She might not be over it but why would she plan for a revenge again when the first backfired? She isn't stupid", Mike raised his eyebrow as he parked in front of the house.

"Yeah but... I don't know. Guess I just expect that something would go wrong. Will go wrong", Chester mumbled and stepped out from the car.

Mike rolled his eyes following the other inside the house. "Really, just drop it okay. You are just second guessing. Maybe have tiny bit faith in her that she learned from the mistake? Besides, what have I told you before?"

"That... We can't affect to what people will do if they decide... to be assholes", Chester said and chuckled.

The emcee sighed again smiling and closed the door behind him. "Yes, that's pretty much what I said."

"So we will just hope that everything goes well and if not then we will deal it when... shit hits the fan", Chester said like asking did he understand it all correctly. He just needed the reassurance. Someone to tell him it would all go well.

"Yes. Let's just try to focus on the album and upcoming tour okay?" Mike nodded and collapsed on the couch feeling too tired to really even think.

"Like I have tried", the singer smiled and sat beside him. "Glad I'm not alone in this mess."

"I don't think it is a mess anymore to be honest. The fans took it well, even if Talinda wouldn't have corrected it. Then no real shit from the press, just the general prying... Those were the ones we were most worried about I think", Mike tilted his head to look at Chester.

Chester nodded. "Yeah. Sure we don't know what's coming when we start the tour and promo, but... Yeah. Okay."

"Baby... I know you're scared. And it's okay to be scared. We don't know what is to come yet. But then again... isn't that the best thing in life? You don't know what happens tomorrow. Good or bad. So you don't know and you got someone to share it with. All the happiness, all the love. And then also all the rest. The confusion, fear, negativity. Which just make us better persons. God I love you so much... It's overwhelming. Like my heart is about to burst out of my chest", Mike gasped.

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