It's harder starting over

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A/N: Hello all! Sorry this chapter is rather boring :S


Rest of the day for them went in some kind of a bubble. Neither of them really knew what they should do or say. Mike was scared that Brad would now be even more pissed. He had texted Anna that it wasn't her fault but didn't receive an answer. They decided just to go to bed and worry about it the next day.

"What do you think?", Mike ran his hand along Chester's spine. The other was obviously aggravated.

"I'm fucking pissed. She should know this isn't way to go. And if this was easy, then.... it isn't that hard for her to tell the press about us. But I'm even more pissed that I shouldn't be pissed. Cause who am I to be pissed? Or say anything? It was me who fucked up. At least I was the one who did it first. Did I already say pissed?", the singer mumbled his voice growling low.

Mike sighed. "Yeah. We should probably call Rob and see what the social media says."

They had eaten breakfast and then laid on the couch reading and watching TV. They haven't particularly tried to avoid the media but just didn't want to take the leap.

"How long does this bullshit continue? Call here, call there... We are suppose to write music. Make the new record and then tour. But we are here. Locked inside afraid to face the outside world. God I sometimes hate that were famous. Everything we do... They judge and poke around. Just to find the soft spots to break us apart", the singer continued.

Mike shook his head. They were on the same page even when Chester was more vocal about it.

"I know babe. But we can't get through this without talking with the others", he said then and picked up his phone to call the drummer.

"Yeah, I have seen the headlines", Rob answered cause he knew why Mike called.

"What do we do now? Is there even anything to do?", Mike sighed.

"Don't think there is. It's all over the web. You should have seen the comments in Facebook. And next the management will start to bug us. And then... Well we have to tell something cause they can figure it out soon enough anyway. You know, we are supposed to be making the record now", the drummer muttered.

Mike glanced at Chester who was trying to read a book but had hard time to focus to the words. "Yeah well... Shit. Why does this have to be so hard? Do you have any ideas?."

"Well... Maybe.... Maybe you should tell the management the real reason. And talk with Talinda. Again", Rob said not even knowing was that right way to go.

"Shit. Fuck.", Mike mumbled and got a look from Chester. He didn't usually swear that much.

"Exactly. Oh boy what a mess you two made... But I am still happy that you love each other, I have to say that so you don't think I'm heartless or something. Should I try to get us all to gather around for a talk? Don't know would Brad come but...", the other suggested.

"Chester, should we talk with the guys? Like get together?", the half Asian poked the singer who shrugged first but nodded then.

"He says yes. I don't know", Mike answered groaning.

"Okay. Let's do it. I'll call them. Tomorrow? At Chester's? You're there right? Don't know will they come but at least I could try", Rob said.

"Alright. Guess were doing it", the other mumbled.

Chester flinched suddenly, his phone beeping. Mike frowned and ended the call while the singer picked up his own phone.

"Fucking great. It's Tal. She is coming over to pick up some clothes. Again. I thought the pile was enough for like... well weeks!", he groaned and tossed the phone away.

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