I'll always be with you

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A/N: Hello you lovely people! Ready for more drama? And some fluff and friendship goals? And my next one to write is 'The Catalyst'. Don't know will I do it tomorrow since it is holiday here but if I feel like it I sure will.



"Rob isn't going to survive the drum part", Brad frowned flicking a pen.

The drummer shot him a glare his lip curling to a 'I'll show you'- grin. "Oh don't you worry about me Delson, I will!"

"Maybe... Or not. Cause we want it faster than that", the other challenged him, crossing his arms on his chest.

It was just another day in the studio. And it looked like nothing had ever happened. Only problem was that Mike and Chester had hard time keeping their hands off of each other. They both knew testing Brad's boundaries that soon wasn't a good idea, but they both also knew they couldn't continue working in the future, if they weren't allowed to even hug or hold hands in the studio. Or like now, Mike wanted to crawl to Chester's lap and kiss him until they both were breathless. Wasn't going to happen.

But working was otherwise fine. They had progressed and Brad's idea on the 'Guilty All The Same'- song turned out to be brilliant. It had still some major part missing, in Mike's opinion, but it was really good already.

As Rob played again Mike turned to look at the guitarist. "I told you he could do it."

"I know. But he just sometimes needs a little push to be that good", Brad winked his eye smirking.

"You're an asshole", the singer laughed opening a water bottle.

Mike spun on a chair to face him, "Yeah, just like I could have done too."

"Could have? You already did. Even though it didn't really lead to anywhere, and your approach was different. Oh and reasons too", Chester raised his eyebrow amused.

"Yeah yeah yeah, so you say", the emcee shook his head and nodded at the drummer who was finished with the part.

"Yes I know you could do it!" Brad laughed throwing his hands in front of him when he saw Rob's face as he came back to the room.

"I know you're not that stupid to think I couldn't do it. Only a little bit", Rob stuck his tongue out causing the guitarist object.

"Let's continue with the song guys... And Brad please can you turn the vibrate off of your phone, it's driving me crazy", Joe pointed at Brad's phone that was next to him on a table.

The guitarist rolled his eyes and went to pick up his phone. He frowned when he started to read why it was vibrating. And then his face went first pale and then red. Without saying a thing he threw the phone at Mike and left the room causing them all gasp in surprise.

"What the fuck", Mike whispered and then looked at the phone he had managed to pick up.

Exclusive interview with Talinda Bennington- "Chester has an affair with his bandmate", said a headline.

There, now it all was on the table. Suddenly there was no air in the room.

"Mike! What the hell! Calm down!", Chester was pounding on his chest when he turned his gaze to him.

Somehow he had ended on the floor, gasping for air and still squeezing the phone. Chester's worried eyes were fixed on him, looking also terribly confused.

"I...", the emcee started feeling the lump on his throat getting bigger. They were now all of them staring at him, except Brad. Except the guitarist that was probably so mad that he wasn't talking to him. Escaping sounded like a perfect idea. The problem was that it wasn't a fix. And now, if he wouldn't give the phone to Chester it would only prolong what was about to come. So he handed it to the singer.

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