And when I close my eyes tonight

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A/N: Hello all beautiful people! Next chapter after this will be the last one :( So sad to let go again. If you are reading my other stories, 'The Catalyst' is my next one to write. Also check out my new story called 'Shadow Of the Day' if you like our emcee ;)

Enjoy! :)


Few days had passed and they had made some progress in the studio. Brad could see the situation was weighing on them but still neither Chester nor Mike wanted to give up. All of them knew they had the record to do, but at this point of their career it wouldn't have even been that detrimental to take few week break. Well more, addition to what they had already taken before. But he didn't want to be the one to say that they needed the break. Especially when overall they were making songs, and they were good ones.

And all the fighting was in the past too. He still cringed when he saw Mike hold Chester's hand or something equally intimate. And it was only cause it made him think other things. He had never before thought that Mike and Chester being so close and showing it was weird, but now when he knew about it, about their feelings and how long it had been actually going on, it was awkward. He could honestly say that he was happy, but even still looking at them show the love physically made him feel weird.

"Brad. You're staring again", Rob said arching his eyebrow which made Mike turn his gaze.

Mike, once again, had leaned on Chester as they together went through his notes. They had only shoulders and arms touching which would have never before drawn attention, cause it was so natural for them. Brad just couldn't help it, which was confusing for him too since he didn't mean anything bad. Just one thing piling over another and together it all made his brains work overtime.

"Just... got lost in my thoughts", the guitarist mumbled turning his head.

"Sorry Brad", Mike sighed realizing what had just happened.

"No Mike, it's fine. Honestly. Part of my brains just work slower than other part. Guess I'm still reluctant how this will work in future. I would hate to see either of you get hurt", Brad shook his head.

Chester glanced at Mike tilting his head, "Yeah well, Tal already made it happen so..."

"Didn't quite mean that though", Brad rolled his eyes turning a page on his notepad.

"Have you read Twitter now? They still... well most are on your, our, side. Some not, but that's more like background noise. There is huge fan group now over this bennoda thing, which is really loud. Like... well check the hashtag. It's crazy. I searched it to the time before Talinda's... revenge and before that the hashtag wasn't used that much", Joe waved his hand in the air as he slumped back in the chair.

"That's good. Or not. I just hate that we hate to go day by day. I want to make music in the future too you know?" Chester groaned rubbing his temples.

"Babe...", Mike sighed and pulled Chester's hand to his own.

"I know I know", the singer waved his other hand in the air looking at the other. His eyes had the usual worry shadowing them.

Mike was again trying to be the calm, collected one even when Chester being agitated and unsure was making him feel that too. Then his phone buzzed once for a sign of text message, distracting his thoughts.

"Huh... It's Anna", Mike frowned mumbling to himself when he saw Anna's name on the screen.

"Hey. Are you home around five? I would like to see you. Both."

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