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[a miraculous ladybug fan fiction]

- lower case intended
-sorry for the constant editing
-if you're here after I edited and have already read the story don't worry everything is the same I just decided to change some words and correct it, also over time i just change the structure, so de, the content is the same !!


-chapter one

miss bustier came bursting into the room, much happier than usual. she was always in a good mood, but it was obvious she was beyond happy. she sat down, beaming and said "as an end of year treat, we will be going to the bahamas!"

the class went into complete and utter uproar as the news was rather shocking.
there was still a whole month of school left, but as miss bustier had explained after continuous attempts at calming them down, they'd be in the bahamas for three whole weeks, leaving them a week of school left to do any extra work.

"now, calm down," interjected miss bustier, among the excited whispers "you will need to choose partners for your cabins, please choose wisely as you'll have to live with them for a few weeks! i trust you all now, don't be silly!" motioning for us to decide. she opened a large binder on her desk and began scribbling down some illegible notes.

i turned to the side to see alya murmur something into ninos ear as he nodded vigorously. both were smiling- and i knew it wasn't a good sign.
"alya can I be wi-" i started, but she cut me off before my sentence could even finish. alya laughed and rolled her eyes at me.

"sorry girl, I'm with nino." she explained while looking at him dreamily and smiling subconsciously. i winked at her and she blushed, and whispered something into my ear "what about your prince charming?"
as she said this, she turned my head to the right, - at adrien. sigh.
yes the all famous model and my current crush- adrien agreste.

i blushed.

saying anything would be pointless. the fact that i have a crush on a teen supermodel that happened to go to my school and have the most beautiful blonde hair and emerald green eyes was undeniable. i wasn't particularly good at trying to hide it, but even if I was, it wouldn't really matter. alya knows me all too well, and it's painfully obvious. (or so ive been told).

i was suddenly snapped back to reality, and snapped my head to face as far from adrien as was humanly possible. just then I heard the most dreaded noise possible.
"adrikins!" half shreiked chloe
yes, chloe bourjeois, a spoilt brat and daughter of the mayor of paris- as everyone knew.

she wanted adrien all to herself, yet 'no' wasn't a word in her dictionary as of yet, or seemingly ever. it was obvious that adrien was uncomfortable with her advances, especially since they were childhood friends. she can't deal with rejection at all, she'll throw a tantrum until she gets what she wants. just as she did her whole life.

"adrikins, do you want to be my partner?" she shouted in an exaggerated, annoying, babyish voice, making sure everyone in the class heard her. not that anyone was even in the slightest interested. adrien sighed heavily and looked down then to the side. he gave chloe an apologetic smile, he never was one to be mean.

however he said nothing until he slowly turned around and looked right at me.
"marinette, will you go with me?" he asked casually, making sure to. not even spare chloe the slightest glance. chloe's facial expression went from 1-100 real quick. she was positively fuming, steam alomst coming out of her ears angry. it was a spectacular sight.

my eyes almost bulged out of my skull. "s- sorry? can i w-what?" I blushed furiously.
"will you room with me in the trip?" je repeated, still calm as ever. the whole class was looking at us now. they were all in complete awe.

"u-uhm, yeah i mean sure? if y- you want to then yeah. yeah okay !" i hardly managed to even speak now. what was happening? adrien gave me a glimmering smile, a slight wink and turned back around to face the front of the room.

oh my, i couldn't belive it? i know that we are good friends but this? then i thought about what sharing a cabin with adrien would mean...
I was in for one hell of 3 weeks

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