Chapter 5

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After I boarded the bus, I sat in the back, trying to be as far from Sasuke as I could. 4th period was embarrassing. He saw those pictures. The drawings that I thought he would be the last person to see.

I curled up into a fetal position, into a ball. Then I decided to just wait until the bus got to my stop.

Once the stop got to my stop, I got all of my thing and tried to get out the bus doors. "Woah woah woah there, slow down, you arent the only one at this stop." Someone stopped me. I gulped and looked up. Of course, it jad to be Sasuke. "U-u-uhhhhh...." I stuttered. He glanced at me and I ran under his arm and out the bus doors.

I ran as fast as I could.

Once I reached the huge white house, I pushed yhe door open and I stepped inside. I greeted Tsunade who was making dinner.

"So how was your day?" She asked.

"Oh, it was fun. Met some new people on the bus.. And especially him." I smiled.

Tsunade chuckled nervously.

"Umm, Naruko?" She said.


"About him, I think we have to talk about a topic you'll be excited about." She grinned.

I jumped up in joy. What could it be?


"I'll tell you at dinner. Just relax." Tsunade waved off and walked over to the stove to check if the water inside of the pot was boiling yet. I nodded and walked upstairs to do homework.

I pulled out the heavy textbook, and holy shit, it was heavy. I flipped to page 441 and studied.

Thats why xyz and mno equal 7792, but if we had to add 3 prime numbers and 3 perfect squares, divided by 682 that wouldn't work. So in order to make it work, we have to use THIS number with jkl and it would give us 7792. If we used abc in any way, it would give us something negative.

After a few hours, I finished studying and Tsunade called me down for dinner. I jumped in invisible joy and jumped onto the spiraled stair railing. I slid my way down the stairs from the white railing until I slid down to the dining room. "Hello!" I greeted Tsunade.

She waved back and set the food on the table. The delirious and delicious smell of the curry filled the air. The steam from the freshness of the curry had slowly made its way to my nose. It made me internally drool.

"Naruko, we've got news to talk about. Lets eat." She motioned for me. I nodded.

"So, what's the big deal?" I said, scooping up some rice.

"Well, it involves Sasuke and his family." Tsunade said, taking the rice simultaneously with me.

"Well, no duh, baa-Chan." I rolled my eyes sarcastically and scooped up curry for my rice.

"Well, me and Mikoto and very good friends, she says she wants Sasuke to become friends with you." She smiled.

I grinned but frowned. "Does Mikoto-san know about it?" I asked.

"...Yes..." Tsunade sighed. "But-" I started off but I was cut off.

"I know that Kushina-chan would want you to be open about it, but you made this decision to be happy and get a chance to walk around the village without being beat up. We'll only tell people who we can really trust. But to make it safe, I'm going to try to become the principal this year. I heard Mr. Sarutobi is retiring." She said calmly. I just nodded.

"So should I announce it my concert tomorrow?" I asked.

"Whatever you feel. I may be smarter than you, gaki but I'm not your brain."

I smiled and went upstairs.

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