Chapter 10

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Me and Sasuke walked to chemistry class. Apparently, theres a big project.

I sat down at the desk. There was a spot next to me, but another student had taken it.

I took this chance to go sit next to Sasuke, but another student took that seat. I guess sitting 3 rows away from your boyfriend isn't so bad..not.

"Alright, class. From now to October 3rd, you will be working with a partner in this class." Miss Kurenai-sensei said. I looked at Sasuke and Sasuke looked at me. We turned away and blushed.

"You and your partner, will alternate going to each other's house to discuss the project." She said. "The project is to build a 3D model with your partner to stimulate what happens when you mix 2 chemicals together that contain cloppe and tarbyte. Of course, you have to figure out what those two chemicals are."

(I just made these chemicals up)

Of course I know!

"The model has to have an explanation of the result, and why it works. You will be graded together, by effort, quality, and the teamwork." Miss Kurenai-sensei said. I could swear I sensed her glaring at Sakura and Lee.

"For this once, I will allow you to choose your own partners." She finally said "choose your partners now."

Sakura on the far end of the room, started running towards Sasuke. I took off. I'm not letting this pink banshee steal my boyfriend!

Sasuke stood up towards the running Sakura and stepped aside. Sakura who was still running, crashed into Sasuke's chair.

"Sakura, you insane dimwit." Shino sighed.

"Now that most of you have picked your partners, please collect materials that everyone will need. After this, the period is over." Miss Kurenai-sensei said. We all nodded. Me and Sasuke walked up and got the materials.

After we collected the things we needed, we put them in Sasuke's locker. I scurried off to the next class while Sasuke went to the other.

After a little bit more scurrying from class to class, the orchestra room and occasional bathroom stops for you-know-what, I had stopped at my locker to grab my gym clothes. I walked into the girls lockeroom and changed. I walked back out with black shorts, and a white t-shirt with Konoha High plastered on the back.

First, the class ran 3 laps around the gym and then we played the most intense game of soccer.

Once I finished gym class, I went back into the girls lockeroom to change back.

Then, we had lunch period. Me and Sasuke sat together. We talked about the project and how to plan it out. After a while, we were dismissed.

I was avoiding Hinata the whole day, because I knew she was just trailing me to become friends so she can be popular again.

I walked into the algebra class and sat next to an empty seat where Sasuke would be sitting. Sure enough, he sat in that seat. "Naruko, my parents are inviting some people for dinner, wanna come over?" He asked.

Sakura POV (shit is gonna go down)

"Naruko, my parents are inviting some people for dinner, wanna come over?" Sasuke-kun said. I was about to blow up on Naruko! Stealing my precious Sasuke-kun and hugging him at your concert!

Damn you! Shannaro!!

I stomped over. "Sure. We can also work on the project." Naruko said. AAAAAH!

Then Sasuke-kun spoke up.
"I mean, my family already knows you, they only dont know that we're together. But Itachi caught on a bit."

..They're together?
..N..Naruko and Sasuke-kun?!

It cant be right!

I stomped over to Sasuke-kun.

"Sasuke-kuuun!" I squealed.
The whole class had my attention now. "Oh god please no." Naruko said. The whole class erupted in laughter. Damn it!!

Naruko POV

The entire class, including Asuma-sensei, who just walked inside the room, were laughing.

"Okay, no funny business, Hairuna." Asuma-sensei said. "ITS HARUNO!" Sakura screeched whilst only a few kids covered their ears.

Then, class started. Asuma-sensei taught the class about algebra. (no duhh, wtf am I thinking?)

Once the last period was over, we all went to our lockers and walked outside. We walked to the 17th block and waited for the bus. Once it came, we piled inside and just chilled.

I leaned my head against Sasuke's shoulder. "You know, when we grow older, how many kids do you want?" I asked. "Where the hell did that come from?" He chuckled as he

"I want as many as you want to have." He said. "My future plans are set out." I sighed.

The bus stopped at our stop and then we walked to our houses. "I'll see you in an hour!" I yelled. He nodded then went inside his house. I opened the door and called out that I was home.

Nobody seemed to be home, but Tsunade left a note that she was going on a business trip to The Hidden Village of Sound for 4 weeks. Mikoto-san and Fugaku-san were notified and I could choose if I wanted to stay with the Uchihas. I stuck the note back onto the table and went upstairs to pack a bag.

Inside, I threw in clothes to last me some while of weeks, some other miscellaneous items like hairbrushes. I then swung my backpack over my arm along with the bag with the clothes.

I glanced at the clock. 3:52. I took hell of a time packing. I wrapped keys around my neck and shut off the lights in all of the rooms.

I went out the door and locked it. I walked my way to the huge blue house beside mine. I knocked on the door and Itachi opened the door. "Oh, Naruko. Sasuke's currently having a nosebleed, don't ask me why, but he'll be down soon." He said. I simply nodded and put my bag and backpack down on the couch after I placed my shoes on the mat.

"Why are you carrying that bag next to your backpack?" Itachi asked. Mikoto-san walked into the living room and spotted me in no time. "Hi, Mikoto-san." I greeted. She greeted back. "Tsunade-san is absent for a trip, so she's staying with us!" Mikoto-san smiled.

Itachi nodded and proceeded to ask a question. "How is your relationship with Sasuke going?" He asked. "Itachi, shut the fuck up!" A muffled voice sounded from upstairs. "Language!" A deep voice roared, I was guessing that was Fugaku-san.

"You're dating Sasuke?" Mikoto-san asked. "He didn't tell you?" I asked. We both nodded. "How did you figure it out, Itachi?" I asked. "He talks about you nonstop, you can guess why he has a nosebleed right now."

My face flushed at the dirty thought, but as soon as it came, it went. "Well, we have a chemistry project to work on." I sighed as I sat down on the couch.

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