Cheryl and Josie pt.2

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" I was helping you Josie!" Cheryl explained.
"By knocking out my former band mate? That's wrong, Cheryl! You don't hit people!"
That's wrong, Cheryl! Her words echoed in Cheryl's mind.
"I was trying to protect you Josie!" She protested.
"I don't need your help Cheryl, I can fight my own battles!" Cheryl looked down.
"I love you Josie, your my best friend in the whole world, I can't stand to see you in pain. The black hood, and Jason's death have already caused me so much pain..." she trailed off and Josie gave her a sympathetic look. Melody was helping Valerie off the floor.
"I'm taking her to the nurse, the whole school will know what you've done." She scolded on her way out. Cheryl collapsed on the bench and wiped tears from her eyes. Soon Josie was beside her, comforting her.
"Oh Cheryl..."
"I can't do anything right!" Cheryl cried. "I keep messing up, at home, here, and all this conflict, it's too much..." Josie looked at her sympathetically.
"What conflict, Cheryl? Can I help you in any way?"
Oh Josie. Your all I want. I've been pushing it aside, telling myself it was wrong. I was too stubborn to accept fate, I'm in love with you, Josie. But how can I be sure you love me the same way?

           The Next Day
"Can you come over this weekend? I kicked my mom out, told her not to come back till she finds a job, and I really don't want to be alone." Cheryl explained. She wanted to tell Josie how she felt this weekend, hopefully all went well.
"Oh. Of course Cheryl, what time?"
"Today at 7:00(pm)?"
"It's a date." Cheryl almost choked when she said "It's a date." Because to Cheryl, it was. She walked through the hallway, with a proud, new found respect for herself. She was Cheryl now, the Cheryl who was happy. She passed Veronica in the hallway, who always gave her a kind smile. She felt bad for Ronnie. Like her, Veronica was stuck in a bad family. Her father was a monstrous man, just like Cheryl's. Cheryl checked the clock- 11:42 am- 8 hours 18 minutes till her date, her first date with a girl.

Cheryl stuck the last toothpick into the Swiss cheese and bolted for the door.
"I'm coming!" She called. She opened the door and Josie's smile brighten the room.
"What's the plan, girlfriend?!" Josie said in a happy tone.
"Well, I picked out the best TV show and movies to binge, also I have prepared a fine snack, I learned how to make in Foods on Tuesday, and well the usual gossip." They both smiled at the same time.
"Great! What movies did you pick?" Cheryl fanned out the movies in her hands and made a happy face with her mouth gaped.
"Pick one, I'll get the snack." Cheryl hurried off to the kitchen and picked up her cheese tray, with crackers, and a bottle of red wine. When she got back to the living room Josie had already put in Phantom of the Opera, both their favorite.
"This is a fancy snack." Josie spread some blue cheese on a cracker.
"I added the wine, wine and cheese is like being away, somewhere in France, far away from..." she trailed off "Well it's wine, so drink up!"

"My favorite thing about dating has got to be... the fame. People are looking and it's like; I have a boyfriend!" Cheryl laughed. She was a bit, tipsy, her and Josie, but all was well.
"My favorite thing, is knowing someone is there for you." Cheryl had been throwing hints all night, whether Josie caught them or not was unknown.
"Oh Cheryl," she said "I just don't know how you got so unlucky." Now's my chance.
"I'm not so unlucky, Josie, I have you." They turned to face each other, staring intently into the other's eyes. Then suddenly Cheryl kissed her, and Josie was kissing back! "Josie, I think I'm in love you." Josie stared at her for a moment.
"It's about time, Cheryl, because I really like you. And with time I will love you too." Cheryl smiled and they were kissing again, but this time it was different. Josie slipped off her "Pussycat's" T-shirt, and Cheryl didn't have to look away. Because she was in love, and Josie might be, but this was enough, this wonderful night could fill the black hole in her heart.

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