Cheryl and Toni #8

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The Serpents had one rule. Okay there was more, but the most important rule was no guns. So Toni didn't have one, all she had was her simple switch blade. Claudius held up a gun in the doorway-aimed straight past Toni-straight at Cheryl.
"How could you be such a monster?" Toni said to him, "what makes you think that treating people like this is okay?" Claudius rolled his eyes.
"Okay? I don't give a rats flying flip about what a teenage girl like you thinks is okay. I do what has to be done."
"Has to be done? You don't have to do anything!"
"Of course I do. As long as Cheryl is alive she has half the fortune. My fortune."
"If Cheryl dies then Penelope gets the fortune-not you."
"So I'll add her to my hit my list. Right next to Nana Rose." Toni heard Cheryl bite back a small whimper.
"Claudius please leave, this isn't necessary."
"I'll give you the money!" Cheryl barked from behind Toni, "you can have it, all of it. Just leave Nana and I alone." Claudius tilted his head in dismay, "this is why you weren't the favorite child, dear. You were stupid, you still are stupid! Clifford's will can't just be ignored, the only thing that can change his will is yours." Claudius clicked the gun-readying the trigger. Toni can hardly remember what happened next. She did what had to be done.

  Cheryl nearly screamed from her chair. Toni whipped her switchblade out again and threw it across the room-like a throwing knife. If it weren't so heavy it would be a great throwing knife-but they didn't need great-they just needed good. Cheryl screamed when she heard the knife hit her Uncle-he gulped and held his hands to his chest. His gun lie on the floor next to him, the knife embedded in his lower stomach. Toni ran over to him-kicking the gun away. She put her hands on his stomach to stop the bleeding.
"You... stabbed me?" Claudius groaned.
"You were about to shoot my girl, I would do again in a heartbeat. So shut it, or your on your own." Claudius huffed and laid his head down. Toni turned to Cheryl, "Cherry bae, please call 911."
"But Toni they could arrest you!" Toni gave her a sympathetic smile.
"It's jail, not prison. Besides-it was self defense. I'm sure we could convince Keller. Right Claudius." Claudius made an effort to roll his eyes.
"I don't give a shit right now. Call whoever. I need a hospital."
"And your gonna get one, right Cheryl?" Cheryl reluctantly pulled out her phone from her pocket-Fangs telling her not to move too much or he could smear the ink.
"Sheriff Keller? This is Cheryl Blossom. My uncle Claudius has been stabbed."


The bandage on Cheryl's back stung-or rather the skin under it did. Despite all that happened Fangs managed to get the tattoo complete. Cheryl wait anxiously while Toni talked to the Sheriff-pleading her case.
"You stabbed him?" The Sheriff asked.
"Well, in a way. I mean I technically threw the knife at him. But he was about to shoot Cheryl! And me." The Sheriff looked skeptical, shaking his head.
"You're going to have to back to the station, to take a lie detector test."
"Alright fine. Done." The Sheriff led Toni to his car, Claudius went straight to the hospital so it was empty. Cheryl hopped yo from where she was sitting and ran to catch up with them.
"Wait! I'm coming with you," she said to Toni.
"You sure, you don't have..."
"I'm coming. And your going to let me." Toni raised her hands.
"All right, as long as it's good with Robo Cop here." Sheriff Keller shook his.
"I don't care. Just hurry, I'd like to go home at some point." Cheryl and Toni both crammed themselves in the back seat together. Cop cars were really uncomfortable-but Cheryl didn't mind being so close to Toni-this was the closest they've been to alone all night-besides back stage, of course.
"You know," Toni said, "now we'll both have a tattoo, we can play that game we talked about." She winked. The sheriff slapped the steering wheel.
"No! None of that in here. It's a five minute drive, just keep your mouths quiet for five minutes." Cheryl and Toni looked at each other, with devious looks in their eyes. They leaned in and kissed each other. The Sheriff didn't notice so they did it again. Toni pulled away with a smile.
"Save that attitude for later, Red," Toni said before turning to look out the window.

"Well great, you're not lying, you're free to go." Toni hugged Cheryl and looked back at the Sheriff. "What?" He grumbled.
"You drove us here, it's pouring rain-we aren't walking back." Toni informed him.
"Call someone." Toni huffed and pulled out her phone and dialed Jughead's number.
"Jug we need a ride back," she said.
"I don't have a car. I can only carry one."
"So take Betty's car."
"I'm not with Betty," he lied.
"We passed the Cooper household on our way down-your bike was there. Don't lie to me." Jughead sighed and hung up. "He's coming," Toni told Cheryl. She nodded, "wanna go outside, my back needs to cool off."
"Sure." They went outside and stood under the overhang to stay dry. Toni wrapped her arm around Cheryl and pulled her close.
"It's been a hell of night," Cheryl said after a few minutes-breaking the silence.
"Yeah no kidding."
"But it's good. It payed off. I'll be free now, forever. As long as I'm with you, right Toni?" Cheryl looked to Toni-tears in her eyes.
"Of course, I can't just walk away now." Toni looked at Cheryl-differently. She remembered the days when she only knew her as the rich girl who's brother died. Then the rich girl's who's father shot her brother. Then the rich girl who had no father or brother. Then she saw her as the selfish-red headed bitch who would do everything to make sure Toni couldn't go to her school. Then she saw her as this broken, hurting girl who just needed a little bit of love. Now she saw her as Toni's everything. She was her best friend, her girl friend, her roommate. She was the girl she loved. She was the survivor. She was Cheryl Blossom.

Jughead and Betty pulled into the parking lot of the police station. They saw Cheryl and Toni hugging each other, then they kissed each other.
"They're so happy," Betty whispered beside him.
"Yeah, I'm happy for them," he said. Betty looked to him,
"I feel really bad Jug, I was always mean to Cheryl, but if I had known..." Jughead grabbed her hand.
"Hey it's not your fault. Cheryl had a weird way to show she was hurting." Betty nodded, and before Cheryl and Toni noticed their ride was here she said one last thing; "do you think they're forever Jug?" Jughead took a moment to think about it.
"I do."

Hehehehehehehehehehehe. Hope you enjoyed. Now all the obstacles are out of the way so the girls can be in peace. Next is Joavin then another Choni chapter, stay tuned!

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