Alice and Hermione #6

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Requested by iamadistopia
Okay if you remember the previous hermalice chapter ended on quite the cliffhanger. The wait is over, let's see what happens next.

"Actually Hiram, there's something I have to tell you." Hiram's look dropped to a frown and he walked slowly towards the girls.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
" Hiram we've been married seventeen years, we've had good times and bad. Great times," she look to Veronica, "and terrible. But through everything I couldn't get myself to tell you the one thing that meant the most to me." Hiram was sitting by Hermione now, Veronica on the other side. Hermione went from looking at the ground to facing her husband. "Hiram, I'm bisexual. I have been since before the day we met." Hiram released a heavy breath and turned his attention back to the floor.
"Senior year-when we split for those few months-you and Sydney were more than friends?" Hermione but her lower lip and nodded. "And today, at Pops, you and Alice are..."
"Yes. We, I, cheated on you with her. On my birthday and ever since then... we've fallen for each other, we really have." He looked at her and looked back at the floor in a quick movement.
"Okay?" Hermione and Veronica said simultaneously.
"Okay, it's just a fling, you'll get over it in a month." Hiram shrugged his shoulders and started to walk away.
"I want a divorce," Hermione blurted, regaining his attention.
"I want out of this marriage. You are a terrible husband." Hiram's mouth was gaped and he stared at his wife in disbelief.
"I'm a terrible husband? You're the one who had an affair and wants to split up!"
"But I didn't make you do illegal trading and become my arm in the mob. I can't take it anymore Hiram!! I don't love you anymore." Hiram's jaw clenched, and he walked close to Hermione to whisper in her ear,
"I'll have the papers signed by tomorrow," before walking away. Hermione sat in their ill-lit penthouse, Veronica's hand on her lap.
"Mom," said her daughter.
"Yes Veronica?"
"If I Were you, I'd take Alice and disappear."
"I know. I love you Veronica."
"I love you too, mom. Stay safe." They hugged before Hermione went to back a quick gotta-get-away-from-my-husband-before-he-kills-me bag. She went into her and Hiram's shared bedroom and found a black duffel bag in the closet. It emptied her small dresser and still had space to hold a few belongings; photos, a burner phone, and a small ornament which Veronica had made for her in elementary school. She took one last look around the Penthouse, Veronica had already gone to her room, and before Hermione could decide whether or not to go say goodbye one last time, she noticed a piece of a ripped paper on the table by the door. It had a number on it and a letter.
A number from Veronica, smart girl. As Hermione was celebrating the fact she raised a strong, smart daughter, she left the penthouse and went to get Alice.

Alice had little time when Hermione called her, telling her to pack a bag and say goodbye. Hermione had promised to explain everything, so Alice didn't ask questions. She told Betty what she knew, and that she had to leave, and luckily her daughter understood.
"I don't want you in harms way," Betty had said. "Besides, the two of you could use some alone time." She laughed. Alice playfully swatted her on the shoulder and hugged her daughter. "Take this," Betty said.
"What is it?"
"A burner phone, you can call me with using this number, so it reaches my burner phone." Alice smiled and kissed Betty on the forehead.
"I love you, Elizabeth."
"I love you too mom." Then Alice heard a car horn outside, she picked up her bag and headed out the front door, wondering if she would ever walk through it again.

It's shorter than the other ones, but I'll will probably be writing shorter chapters so I can get them done faster.

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