Betty and Sweet Pea (Sweet B)

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Requested by CelestialTwinDragons

Sweet Pea was so jealous of Jughead. He was dating Betty Cooper! She was a northsider, and Southsider, a Serpent, an intellect, a Vixen. She was everything someone needed in a girlfriend-kind, smart loyal and... fun😉. Every time Sweet Pea saw them holding hands he grew jealous and angry. He even tried to force her away once-just so he wouldn't have to see her around the park anymore. Sometimes if he was lucky, he'd catch a whiff of her scent, or be touched by her always-soft hair. Sweet Pea was totally crushing on her and there was nothing he could do about it. Even if they broke up-Bughead-he couldn't date her due to the bro code. He sighed and tapped his pencil against his desk. The teach was talking about some Pythagorean theorem so Sweet Pea wasn't listening all to hard. He pulled out a blank paper and began to draw. Everyone knew Fangs as the artist in the gang-but truth is Sweet Pea has a knack for the  Arts himself. Back at Southside high he spent as much time as he could in the art room. He drew a banner, that represented he and Betty. But what would our couple name be? Sweet B. Perfect. Before he could finish the bell rang, and he was first to leave the class.  He spat out his gum on the way out, his backpack sling over one shoulder. He wore a leather jacket-not his Serpent one but an old leather one left over from his dad. There were no rules against leather jackets, yet, just Serpent jackets.
"You pull that crap on me again and I take it to the sheriff! To the principal! Hell I'll take it to the mayor if I have too. Me, Chuck Clayton is in therapy because of you. Stay away from me, you're crazy! And your bitch is crazy too!" Chuck Clayton stood there towers over Betty and Jughead-screaming at Betty. What surprised Sweet Pea was that Jughead just stood there, like a dear in the headlights. Sweet Pea dropped his backpack and ran over there, grabbing Chuck by the collar of his jacket.
"Stay away from her, you hear me?" Betty stared at Chuck.
"I'm sorry," she said quietly.
"You hear that, Clayton, she apologized. Now get outta here before you make a bigger fool of yourself." Sweet Pea releases Chuck and pushes him away. "Get goin," he urged. Chuck stomped away angrily-leaving everyone in the hallway staring at Sweet Pea, Jughead and Betty.
"Thanks Sweet Pea," Betty said almost inaudibly.
"Serpents protect their own. Jones, what the heck? You froze out there! Your girl almost got hammered!" Jughead said nothing, just looked at Betty, like he was disappointed before storming off.
"Jug!" She called after him. Jughead turned to face her,
"Don't call me, don't come by my house. I need time for this Betty, maybe Chuck is right and you really are crazy." Betty stared after Jughead- her hurt visible by posture, and the defeated look on her face. She began to cry so Sweet Pea went over to her.
"Come on Betty, let's go outside."

"Wow, I had no idea you had that in you, blonde. Way to go." Betty had just told Sweet Pea about the "prank" that she and Veronica had played on Chuck earlier that year-and how Jughead had called her crazy because of it.
"It's not cool Sweet Pea, it was a mistake, I see that now." Sweet Pea laughed teasingly.
"Did you see ol Chuck's face? He's terrified! You did what you had to do, nobody could hate you for that. I know I couldn't." Betty looked at him sorrowfully,
"Then why does Jughead? Why does Chuck? Why does Veronica?" Sweet Pea looked at her in pity-before getting an idea that worked every time.
"Come with me, I know just the thing to make you feel better." This thing was not a vanilla milkshake at Pops.

"Wait what?"
"When your empty just go to that thing over there, put in a quarter and you'll get more paint." Sweet Pea repeated the steps to Betty again. "This is paintball, so you might get a few bruises. Now our goal is too..." Betty cut him off,
"Get the flag before the other team."
"Yes, and get it back to our side, any questions?"
"Uh yeah, who plays paintball in the middle of the week?"
"You'd be surprised." The other team appeared from behind the barrier.
"Is that... Fangs and Reggie?"
"Yeah, they play in the league together. Look out, Fogarty has some pretty nasty automatics. Oh here, take this, it's Toni's she said you could borrow it."
"What is it?"
"Chest protection. I've got one for in between my legs if you wanna see."
"I'll pass," Betty said as she put on the vest.
"Let's go!" Reggie called from the barrier, "she prepped yet?"
"She's good!" Sweet Pea called back. "When the horn sounds that means start. You be the runner I'll be the gunner. I got your back, keep your weapon ready just in case." He said, much more quietly to Betty. They took their place behind the barrier, their masks on and ready to go. The horn fired and the game had begun.

Betty sprinted the field, occasionally hiding behind a board or old car for protection and a rest. Only chest and head shots were considered fatal, so the hits on her legs and wrists were nothing but pain. Sweet Pea was about two rows back, taking aim for Reggie. Betty pulled out her gun, she hasn't used it on a person yet, but she was ready to try. Fangs was making his way up the barriers, so Betty had to act quick. She peeled around the corner and noticed Fangs looking back at her. Crap. I have to trick him somehow. But how? She looked around-nothing but field and barriers within the arena. There were a few small stones though, that was enough to put a plan into action. She gathered about three stones and peeled around the edge again. She threw the three rocks to left side of Fangs barrier, he liked around to face her, but she was there. Betty knocked down her barrier and watched it fall onto Fangs'. When it was secure she ran up it like a ramp and jumped off the end, her gun out. While in the air she hit Fangs on the top of the head, receiving a squeal of anger from him.
"Frick!" He yelled as he stormed off the the edge of the arena. Sweet Pea has Reggie distracted so she went for the flag. She ran like her life depended on it. She climbed the rusted old cab where the flag was and lifted it into the sky. Reggie turned to look at her and started to run her way. Betty was cheering, but Sweet Pea was gesturing to her. She squinted her eyes to see that he was pointing backward. She still had to get the flag back. She jumped off the cab and ran, even faster than before-like her mom's life depended on it. Come on Betty. She ignored the growing fatigue and the sound of Reggie's missed shots behind her. She saw Sweet Pea, a few rows away, running with her, trying to take aim and her chaser. She could hear him cheering, edging her on. I never really knew Sweet Pea... but he's super fun! Finally she heard the horn go off again. She had done it. She had retrieved the flag. Her and Sweet Pea dipped off their masks and wrapped each other in a great hug. Then they kissed each other. Sweet Pea pulled back, embarrassed, but Betty put her hand on the back of his head.
"We won," she said before kissing him again.

There's another one done for y'all hope you enjoyed this unique one, I like writing these more rare ones, it's a nice challenge and a new perspective. Anyway here are the current upcoming chapters; Hermalice, Choni, Joavin, Choni. If I missed your suggestion just let me know in the comments. Thanks!

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