O.A.C.N pt.2 (Secret)

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3 years later...

"Your cancer was already in stage 4. I afraid that you will not have the chance to recover." Said the doctor in front of me. I just sat there quietly and listened to his explanation.

"But how?" I was shocked actually but i don't know how to act. Words can't even came out from my mouth and now i can't even think properly.

"Remember the accidents last year, i think it is because of that." Replied the doctor. I just kept quiet before i thanked the doctor and leave.

Yes, last year i had an accident and my head were badly injured. And now, the doctor told me that i don't have many time left and i don't know what to do.

Recently, i had always coughed and not feeling well but i never told anyone including my parents, friends and Ken oppa. I thought that it just for a while and i don't want to make them worried about me. But who knows? I started to cough very bad and dizzy so i decided to meet the doctor and today was the result that i got.

I had never thought that i'm in a stage 4 cancer.

I walked home while feeling shocked. I really don't know what should i do right now. I unlocked my door and went inside. After i locked the door, i wanted to go to my room but suddenly i tripped over something and fall.

"Ouch!" Unfortunately, my body hit the coffee table and my arm started bleeding. And then i realize, there was a knife on the table and when i fall, the knife scratched my arm.

"Ahh!!" I cried because my back was so hurt and my arm was bleeding. It's more hurt when there were nobody by your side when you need them.

"Why..? Why is this happening to me? What have i done wrong?" I start sobbing and clenching my fist.

"WAE? Someone please tell me why?!" I yelled and cried even more louder. I was confused yet shocked at the same time. Confused because thinking that should i told the others and shocked because all of this thing happened to me.

"I don't know.. what should i do..? Am i really gonna die?" I asked myself not believing my own destiny. The hot tears that had been rolling on my cheeks make me felt more sad.

"I don't want to see people around me pity on me. I don't want them to be sad because of my cancer. So.. should i just.. keep it as a secret..?" I asked myself again and just in time, the person that i need the most called me.


"Uhuk... uhukk.." i coughed and cover my mouth while Alice watch me with her face full that of sadness.

"Y/n ah, please don't do this.. i'm begging you.. can't you just do the therapy?" My friend, Alice advised me.

"You know that i don't have the money and even if i do it, i still can't make sure i will recover. Don't you see my face? It's getting pale than before and i haven't meet my family and Ken oppa for two weeks.." i told her and she just let out a heavy sigh. I went into the bathroom and washed my mouth before i went back to Alice. I stayed at her house for two weeks and cut all of my connection with everyone.

"It is because you already give up! I can't believe it's already two month after you know about your cancer but you still not telling your parents and your boyfriend! Don't you know how crazy they worried about you when they called me and asked me where are you? Why you're not coming home? Why you didn't pick up their call? And more?!" She yelled and i just kept quiet.

"Do you like to see people around you getting hurt Alice? Do you? Do you think i can watch they cry everyday because of me dying?" I asked her but with a low tone. She wanted to yell again but she stop when she heard me.

"Alice?" i asked again. She is my best friend forever and she was the only one knew about my cancer. I really hoped that she will kept it as a secret.

"No.." she answered me, not looking at my face at all. But then i realize, she started to cry.

"I.. i don't want you to die y/n..." she said while sobbing.

"I know.. but i don't have any choice. I don't have any money and i don't want to tell anyone about this. I can't see the people around me sad." I replied and we both crying so hard, knowing that my life would end in any time. After a while, we broke the hug and sat on her bed.

"So, do you have any plan y/n?"she asked me after we both stop crying.

"Hmm.. no.. uhuk.. uhukk.." i replied and coughed again. We both just kept quiet. But then, an idea suddenly popped up in my head and i immediately look at Alice.

"What? There's something wrong on my face?" Alice quickly touched her face from her forehead to her chin but i stopped her.

"No! I..uhuk..uhuk.. i have a plan.. a good plan.. maybe?" I told her and her face bright up.

"I know! You're going to take the therapy and tell your family and your boyfriend?" She said while smiling and i hit her. Hard.


"Ok.. fine! What is it?" She asked me while staring at me but i don't gave her any respond.

"Y/n.. what is it?" She asked me but i still kept quiet until she realize something.

"Oh please y/n! Not something weird please?" She said. Well, she knew me quite well and i gave her a weak smile.

"Seriously y/n?!"

Chapter 2 updated! ✔

Next Chapter coming up tomorrow!

And don't forget to Votment😉

O.A.C.N's Author,

On A Cold Night 차가운 밤에 (Vixx KENxReader) ✔Where stories live. Discover now