Chapter Thirteen: Yikes, Good Luck

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The rest of the week went by, uneventful. I was getting ready to go cake-tasting with Aunt Jackie and Collin. Luckily, she didn't wake me up with a bottle of cold water, she wasn't around. I brushed my hair and pinned it down on the sides then took one last look in the mirror. Happy with my appearance,  I headed to the lounge.

I looked down at my watch and saw the time was 10:45. I had at least fifteen minutes before Jackie would arrive.

Sitting on my couch, I checked my phone. Eight friend requests on Facebook, three new texts and 128 messages from the WhatsApp group from work. I let out a groan, knowing very well that they must have been debating about something totally unrelated to work like how Coke zero tasted different from normal Coke.

I went on to check the texts. One was from Lenicia, telling me that her and Kathy are going to meet Nathan for lunch. I replied and read the other text from Jackie telling me to get up. I rolled my eyes and ignored it. I checked the last text which came from an unknown number.


Knowing who it was, I replied with a 'hey' and saved the number under his name. He somehow talked me into giving him my number the day we had coffee, perhaps it was all the caffeine?

I went on to Facebook and noticed that one friend request came from him.

Really now?

I guess he wanted to officialize the whole friend thing. Admittedly, he was'nt all bad. The whole arrogant-don't-care-about-anybody-but-myself opinion I had of him was slowly chipping away. He was still arrogant, but I discovered he actually had a heart. The way he talked about his mom and sister proved it. I decided I could tolerate him, even though I knew I kind of liked him.

A hooting car outside indicated that Jackie and Collin had arrived. I got up and locked the door behind me and before heading over and hopping in the car.

"I'm just saying! It would look a lot better." Aunt Jackie said, looking at her husband from the passenger seat.

Oh boy.

"There aren't even going to be that many people, sweetheart." He reasoned.

"I know, but think of the photos!"

They were so into this conversation that they didn't even realize I had gotten in. Yep, #marriagegoals.

"So, what are we talking about?" I chirped.

They both looked back at me, most probably only noticing my presence in that moment.

"Kiddo, thank God! Can you just please explain to your aunt how having a five tier cake for a party is completely unnecessary?" Collin pleaded.

"Natty, darling, just think how nice it'd look!" She smiled brightly. Clearly, the 'small and simple' plan had gone down the drain. I sighed deeply and sat back.

"Why don't we go check out the cakes and prices, first?" I suggested.

I caught aunt Jackie giving me a little glare before she nodded.

"Fine." She huffed.

After a short while we arrived at the small bakery. Mike n Millie's. I remembered when I got my sixteenth birthday cake at this place, it had been a long time since I came here. Looking around, I admired the freshly baked muffins, pastries and ew- cinnamom rolls. Then there were the cakes, gosh they were amazing.

"Jacquelyn! I haven't seen you in forever!" A short lady made her way to Jackie.

"Millie, you look wonderful!" They embraced each other.

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