Chapter Twenty-Three: I'm Here

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My eyes fluttered open but shut immediately after. I tried again and my eyes adjusted to the brightness. I looked around what seemed to be a hospital room, Jackie was asleep on Collin's shoulder while he was reading a magazine. Kathryn and Lenicia were on the other side of the room talking about something and Bennett was looking down at me.

"She's up." He declared.

Jackie woke up and everyone was suddenly around the bed. "Are you okay, honey?" Jackie looked at me wearily.

I nodded. "What happened?" Confused, I asked.

"You collapsed." Kathryn said softly.

My eyes widened a bit before I remembered what happened. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. "What time is it?"

"It's 2:47AM, kiddo. Just lay back and relax." Collin said as he brushed a hand on my arm.

"Do you need anything? Water? Food?" Jackie asked.

"I'm not hungry, thanks aunt Jackie." I told her. "But I'd like some water."

"I'll get it." Bennett rose and went out the room.

Everyone was looking at me with so much concern and worry, it made me realize how much they cared about me. It was almost three in the morning and they were just here. Had they been here the whole night? Aunt Jackie looked really tired but you could see she was trying to hide it, even Collin too. Kathryn looked like she had been told I was dying, I was afraid she would cry any minute. Lenicia was pregnant for Christ's sake and she was here! I couldn't take another minute of it.

"You guys should go home, I'm fine. Really."

"No way." Kathy declared.

"We're staying, Natalie." Lenicia said.

"But I'm fine."

Bennett came back with some water and a doctor was with him. He gave me the water and I gulped it down.

"Ms. Hughes, I'm Dr. Simian." The white coat clad doctor said, he looked at the machines and wrote something on his clipboard. "Your heart rate has decreased and gone back to normal. Your lungs are okay as well."

"That's good." I nodded.

"You do need to get some rest, though. You can go home in the morning." He continued.

"But I'm good. Can't I go home now?"

"You had a little panic attack, Ms. Hughes, and the sudden running took a toll on your body and lungs. You need rest." He pressed.

"The doctor's right, Natalie. You need to sleep. We'll take you home in the morning." Jackie smiled.

"I'll give you guys a minute." Dr. Simian nodded before he left.

Seeing there was nothing I could do, I huffed and lied back down. "I won't sleep until you all go home and sleep too." I said seriously.

They all laughed a little. "You are so stubborn." Jackie commented.

I smiled and rolled my eyes. They all stood up and got ready to leave. Collin gave me a kiss on the forehead and they bid me goodbye.

"See you in a few hours." Aunt Jackie gave me a sad smile.

I smiled back. "And you better actually go or I won't sleep. I'll know when you're still in the hospital!"

She laughed along with everyone. "Okay, we're going."

They were all walking out the door but Bennett didn't. He said something to Jackie, but I couldn't hear because she was on the other side of the door. Bennett  came back in and took a seat on the chair next to the bed.

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