Chapter Thirty: Say Something

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It was beautiful.

In a literal and figurative sense. The colour scheme was perfect, lilac and white created a modest and elegant atmosphere. The lavender flowers in silver vases also highlighted the best of Spring.

Smiles and lighthearted laughter could be heard all around but I was currently not plastering on mine. Not that I wasn't happy, I was too occupied double checking and checking again if everything was how it was supposed to be. I'd be caught dead before I actually let something go wrong on my aunt's vow renewal ceremony.

Everything seemed to be okay though. The decor was beyond perfection, the food was ready, music was set, the pastor had arrived and the guests were filling up. Most if the people were from Collin's side of the family and some of his friends. Not being very "family-orientated", Jackie and I's family wasn't in attendance. That's why I thought it was important to have all of her friends and people close to her here. Not even Gwendolyn had come.

It was very stupid of me, but I still had a pang of hope that maybe, just maybe, she would show up. It had more to do with me wanting to see her than her actually being here for her sister, as wrong as that was. But I tried not to think about her or my father and brother, deciding it was best to focus on today and what it was about- Jackie and Collin.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see a man with a dashing smile on his face. He hadn't gone too fancy, only sporting a plain, blue button-up shirt which wasn't tucked in his dark blue jeans and a pair of sneakers on his feet.

"Surprised to see you here." I snorted.

"Yeah, the old lady said I had to come or else she'd cut my pay in half, so obviously I had to come."

I let out a guffaw. "That's exactly why I liked Millie from when we were little. She's the only one that can get you to do anything, Chris."

He rolled his blue eyes but his smile never faltered. High school me would've been exploding at this very moment. His blonde locks were in a messy man-bun, giving him that "I didn't try too hard" look.

"Jackie's no different with you." He shook his head. "I'm really happy for her by the way, twelve years is no joke."

I spoke to Christopher for a few more minutes and laughed more than I thought I could in such a short span of time. I was finally relaxed and I carried a real, genuine smile as I walked around greeting some people. I spotted a head of brown curls and headed her way.

"Lecia, hey." I greeted.

She turned from her husband and gleamed at me before she hugged me. "Everything looks great, honey."

"Thank you, I was a bit stressed this morning."

"For what? It looks really good." Derek, Lenecia's husband said.

"Thanks, Derek. I tried." I smiled proudly. "And congratulations on the little one on the way."

He nodded with his own grin. "We can't wait."

He had his arm around her shoulders and Lenecia was absentmindedly playing with his fingers as she looked around. They looked like the happy family portrait that everybody wanted to be like and it was clear to see why. They were a good match, and having Lenecia as my best friend for so long, I could see she was happy. She was wearing a long, pastel yellow summer dress and sandals, a really good choice for comfort that she looked beautiful in. The baby-glow was taking effect on her deep brown skin, making it look more gorgeous than it already was.

"There's Kathy." She pointed at the dainty, blonde woman who was approaching us.

"Guys! You all look amazing." Kathryn said when she had reached us.

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