Chapter Fifteen: Womanly Instinct

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Natalie's dress above😍😍


I made sure to get off work early that afternoon because Carrian said, and I quote, "Everything has to be perfect! Perfect! You can't fuck this up, Ben!". I told her to relax as it wasn't anything huge, which she went on to blabber about how it  actually was. So at last I took her advice and got off early to prepare everything.

I asked my mother to make some macaroni and cheese for the occasion and she gladly agreed, after also lecturing me on not messing things up. Apparently Carrian told her about Natalie a while ago and she couldn't be happier that I'd "set sights on someone".

I didn't even realize that was what I was doing until she said it. I liked her to be honest, just a bit. There was something about Natalie, a warm, sort of defining energy. But at times, it irked me, how I would think of her at the most random of moments. Just the other day, I saw an ad for leg shave and instantly thought of her legs, and the other time I saw Mr James' P.A with noodles and my mind jotted to Natalie.

But what really irked me was the fact that I found myself smiling every time she came to mind.

The macaroni was warming up as I set the table. I took the wine out the fridge and set it on the table. Perfect. I glanced at the black and white clock hanging on the wall, only ten minutes left. The microwave beeped and I retrieved the Mac and cheese to the table.

Now that everything was set, I stepped back and took it in, and it it didn't look half bad. I hadn't gone all out and over the top, keeping things simple yet fancier than usual. I unconsciously wiped my palms on my dark blue jeans, the nerves starting to kick in.

The ticking of the clock seemed to get louder with each passing second and I felt strangely nervous. Soon enough, I heard the knock. After taking a deep breath, I walked to the door and opened it.

I blinked. Then blinked again. She was wearing a silky red dress with the material plunging slightly at her breasts and gripping her waist, then became looser from the hips, stopping above her knees. Her short hair was brushed and styled neatly.

My words were positively stuck in my throat.

"Hey." She greeted.

"Hey." I said before realizing I was staring. "Come in, come in."

She walked in and I closed the door.

"We're matching." I said, pointing to her red dress and my red shirt.

"We are." She smiled. Her phone clutched with both hands, she stood there awkwardly.

"Shall we?" I gestured to the dining room.

She nodded. "Nice place...definitely not what I expected."

I raised an eyebrow. "What did you expect?"

"I don't know, maybe things scattered all around, fast food containers. You seem like the type." She shrugged.

"I am so offended, Flare." I put my hand over my heart and feigned heartbreak.

"Oh, don't tell me I hurt your feelings, now." She gave me a challenging smirk. I scoffed.

"Flare, you couldn't hurt me if you tried." I pulled out her chair and helped her in.

Natalie rolled her eyes as she tucked some hair behind her ear. I sat on the left from her before looking at her.

"You cooked?" She asked, sounding surprised, as I opened to reveal the mac and cheese.

"Unfortunately, no." I said. "My mother did."

She smiled softly, and if I didn't know any better, I'd say it was a sad smile. It didn't light up her eyes like they usually did when she smiled.

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