Chapter 1

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After a long day of complaints and meetings, all I wanted right now was a warm soaking bath with Prince sweeping me off again with 'Purple rain'. All that could have been happening an hour ago if my ride was on time.

One of the perks of working with my dad was having my own driver according to some colleagues but it was cases like this that made me hate this 'perk'. Sure it was nice to have someone do the driving and honking of traffics while you relaxed from your long day but it was exhausting waiting, and besides I have this because he thinks I'm a reckless driver which of course he hasn't mentioned directly being the sweetheart he is, but I know for sure that he's afraid I might take away my own life accidentally.
As I was about to ring my long-time and trusted driver again, he pulled up the dark Mercedes, quickly stepped out to open the door and I climbed in not bothering to bicker.

" I'm guessing you had a rough day Miss?" He asked eyes focused on the road and only glancing towards me at the end of his question.

I carried my now heavy head and looked at him from my back seat. "Yes, Devante I am exhausted to the core. It's 9 pm and I finished an hour ago, waiting for you. I'm guessing you had to run errands for dad no? And please stop the formalities already you've been with us for a decade now to call me by my name."

He smiled at me through the rear-view mirror which I returned with a faint one.

"I knew you were still in there Skylar. Not even a long day can stop your mouth."

"Thank you very much sire." I said staring out the window as we passed the first roundabout leading to the miles towards our house. Coming from the outskirts of city on the beach everyday back and forth was only long because someone else drove. Lord knows I'd be at least a quarter way home by now. Thank you, dad. I thought then I remembered to ask.

"Devante did you go pick dad up today?"

"No. The office driver did." His eyebrows switched when he finished his sentence and I chuckled. He could never hide a lie.

"I will find out whatever you're hiding Devante. I'm just too tired to figure it out. Thank God it's almost Friday." I said yawning as my phone vibrated.

'Hey you! Where the heck have you been? Up for some drinks tonight?' - Stacy.

I smiled at her text. I think I'd have been a complete hermit without her.

'Hola cariño It's only been two days but I'd have loved to.'

I smiled sending it back guessing her reply already. She's the only genuine friend I made out of college after a series of torments in high school, and also for the fact that I was a quiet geek getting her grades and going home. It was all I knew until I met her, and our other sometimes-partner-in-crime Gabriela.

'You'd have loved to bury yourself home? Yeah, I didn't think so. Meet at Tony's when you're ready and remember the longer you take, the shorter your precious sleep.'

I groaned and locked my phone. This time Devante laughing. "Stacy's at it again?"

I nodded closing my eyes trying to rest before getting home. I knew she'd come drag me out if I didn't step or worse. She can drive insane sometimes but that's what makes her the best of the few friends I made in my short life.


I reluctantly stepped out of the car and headed indoors to get ready for this dreadful night. Soon as I pushed to doors opened, I was engulfed by a bear hug, my dad's signature perfume quickly invading my nose. I relaxed, dropped my bag to the floor with the free hand and returned his almost crushing hug.

" Hi daddy." I muffled in his shoulder with a smile.

" I missed you so much little one. You look beautiful." He said releasing me and holding me by the shoulders.

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