Chapter 22

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It was 7 minutes after midnight. The dog was lying on the grass in the middle of the lawn in front of Mr Russo's house. Its eyes were closed. It looked as if it was running on its side, the way dogs run when they think they're chasing a cat in a dream. Poor thing must have had a rough day. I watched from the balcony of the fourth floor, where my apartment was and stepped back in, the November chill sacking me.
I shivered a little, and placed back down the crystal-decorated mug on my antique bookshelf I purchased just last week at the flea market. I smiled at the mug. I bought it when I arrived in Nice, lost and hurt. I was booking my next flight when I noticed it in a gift shop. It reminded me of my little cousin Lina and how she loved tea sets. I got it before boarding on my next flight. I walked back in the bedroom, and covered myself with the blanket. I had early classes tomorrow and I couldn't afford to miss them. I watched out the window as the wind blew on the trees, softly moving the branches. I closed my eyes, trying to avoid the painful memories that only seemed to re-emerge at night.
I was already awake before the alarm went off, and I got ready quickly having a bite before running out. I knew there was no east transportation to where I taught English to a few adults in an old court building, so I had to be fast and be there before them. The weather wasn't that easy either. Although the little town was by the beach, and the temperatures were always warmer, the early mornings and evenings could be so dreadful. I learnt to adapt to it, and though I had the urge to buy a car, I didn't because I wanted to keep everything low. I took the bus, and got there early enough. I had to give them a test, so that had to be easy, and I could drift off daydreaming.
"Good morning Ms. Moreno." I heard and turned around. It was Alberto. 26 years and teaching in the high school nearby, he was unmarried and the most dedicated student I had. He was taller than I was, a fit body and a warm smile I always appreciated at the end of a long day.
"Hello Alberto, are you ready?" I asked referring to the test as he took my hand to kiss it.
"Let's hope so." He shrugged with a smile. He took his eat, and pulled out his laptop. I sat down and waited for the others.
The job was easier than I had expected when I signed up for it. Most of them knew basic english so it wasn't so hard to communicate nor go through the syllabus with them. I remember how I got here so lost and confused. I had to be in a hotel for about two days crying myself to sleep every night, before I got my shit together and walked out to the nearest bank to create a new account and transfer all money in the new one. I then had to go shopping for a few clothes, and the worst part was trying to find an apartment. I couldn't stay in a hotel for too long, it just got uncomfortable after sometime.
I was in an agency hunting one day, when I bumped into a queer really old lady. She looked so friendly I smiled at her, but she just stared and gaped at me.
"Ana Maria?" She asked and I frowned. I was lost, until I realised that was my great grandmother's name. I shook my head softly and she grabbed my arm, pulling me outside. She kept rumbling a few things and I didn't understand Italian that much at the time, so I had to take one of the agents to explain to me.
She said I looked exactly like her childhood best friend Ana Maria, who left in her early teens to Colombia with her family. Of course I did. If anything, I knew for sure I was her photocopy from old pictures and my dad. I told her I was her great grandchild and she delighted. She quickly found out what I was doing, and insisted on getting me a flat. At that point I was so thankful that I came down to the town. I knew it was where my great grandmother was born and raised for a few years, and thought maybe I would be a bit lucky here, and I was. Even my dad didn't know I knew about my great grandmother that much. After a few researches when I was 15, I found out about the town where she grew up in the South of Italy and always wanted to come here. Well now I was, and I don't think I was leaving anytime soon.
Greta the old lady, got me a flat that belonged to her daughter once, and it was spacious with a lovely vintage decor I loved. She almost gave it for free, but I begged to pay a rent which she even just took a five hundred monthly, way low for the space and allure. I began searching for something to do, and she got that teaching job for me as well. I appreciated it so much, and visited her everyday. She lived alone, with her kids and grandkids away in Rome and Milan. Her husband passed away a few years back and she decided to come back to her little town, receiving occasional visits from her family.
She was the closest thing to a family I had now. Since I threw my phone away, I got a new one and had no one's contact. I hadn't called anyone even though I had their numbers in memory, and it was best that way. Who knows what Mateo would do if he found out that not only had I run off, but I kept contacting my parents and friends Stacy and Juan's jokes. I missed them so much. It was so terrible at times, I had my eczema triggered and had to teach with a remote control for two weeks. The town didn't have a yoga center so I took my own mat around four in the morning, and walked down to the beach which was just a few meters away to practice some.
I snapped back to the present when the class was full. I gave them their tests, and sat down once again browsing on my laptop. I didn't know whether to check on my family's business or not. I hoped Mateo hadn't done anything harmful to them. It had been a few weeks now since I left so I just checked, and was relieved when the stocks were still intact. I quickly closed the tab, and focused on getting another job this time in a school nearby because I only taught these adults three hours a day. I could get a part time in the school or even serve in a restaurant near the beach. It was quiet and not that busy everyday. I didn't really do it for the money but I was bored and needed to keep my mind off things, and Liam.
It felt like a needle threading through my heart anytime I thought of that day, or how he slowly reacted to the situation, or just his face. The good memories would hunt me at times too but I tried to forget and move on, only I couldn't and the few guys that made a move to even have coffee, I couldn't. I persisted and scolded myself to go out with one but my mind was vagabonding everywhere.
I was done with class, and decided to visit Greta because it had been about two days. I passed on the cobblestones to her little secluded cottage, greeting her neighbors on the way. It was such a small town. The kind that everyone knew everyone. A bit tricky at times, but it felt like a big family at critical times. I entered the home, hanging my scarf and bag on the nearest chair, and walked towards her backyard where she was always drinking tea. Today though she was just sitting, watching the sky.
"Ciao Greta." I greeted touching her shoulder. She looked up, all frail and grinning.
"Hello Ximena, how are you? It's been long." I nodded to both and suggested to make her some tea since it was a bit chilly today. I placed the kettle on the stove, and looked for tea cups and the tray. My hair fell in my way as I carried the tray outside. As I dropped it, I had a memory of Liam serving me tea just because I ordered it. He was smiling and at the moment I wanted to cry. I took a few strands of hair, and wondered whether to cut it. Ten good years of my life spent growing this to back length was tedious but it reminded me sometimes of him. I just left it, I will fight until I forget all about him. We had tea as she asked me about my day, and how the students were doing. She was less talkative so I guessed it was the cold, and brought her in to the warmth. She was much better in.
Although I wanted to stay longer, I had to go. Andre, a twenty year old guy usually delivered some fruits to me from a nearby farm, and they were the best. He was also sweet and witty. I wondered whether I could invite him to play, to keep me company. I wasn't interested because he was younger, and I would feel like he was just a rebound, but I liked our little talks by the door when he dropped the delicious fruits.
I got home before his usual deliveries, and cleaned up a little bit before he got here. The doorbell rang, and I opened it.
"Hi Andre, please come in." I gestured with my hand. He smiled and got in with his wooden box. He put it on the little kitchen counter, and clapped his hands.
"Fresh fruits for the pretty lady." He said and I smiled.
"Thank you." I waited a bit. "Would you like something to drink?" I asked. He nodded.
"Yes please, no one ever asks. They think I'm a robot." He said rolling his eyes. I had him to thank for how quick I learned the average Italian I understood now. He always engaged me in conversations, and It was easier than I thought it would be. I was fluent in just two months, also because I took classes before and now.
"What do you do after your deliveries?" I asked handing him a cup of orange juice. He raised his eyebrows thoughtfully.
"Nothing. I have classes only during the weekends and you're my last stop."
"Do you mind staying a while? It gets lonely here." I suggested and he nodded.
"Of course, we can watch a movie or play games if you want." He shrugged smiling. He was so easy going, I thought maybe I was pushing but as long as I had company I didn't mind.
We spent our time talking about random things, like his family and the town. He was raised here, and loved it. He didn't want anything to do with the big city life because he had had cousins go and come back different. Bad different, smoking and drinking all kind of stuff. He had two siblings, a little boy of 6 and girl of 7. He said they disturbed him a lot, and ruined all his chances with girls whenever they were around. The town was more like a little village to him, and he never really met any tourists come down-the only one, me, was his first- and I came to stay so, he didn't consider that as tourism. He was the first guy I met that had a lively mood like his, apart from Drake. Conversation was like a river flowing and so were the conversations with other people in town.
Thankfully I had really nothing to say about myself. I just said I was in Rome before, working for a big real estate, almost got married but I wanted to live the country or town like he would say, life. My parents were in the States, and I didn't really know anyone here. He didn't question it, it sounded very normal so long as I visited my parents from time like I suggested. Playing a board game, he seemed more like a little brother and I was glad that when he was leaving, he referred to me as 'big sister'. I couldn't have been more grateful.
Our little game nights went on after that day, and I got used to some company. I got a little part time job as a waitress in the restaurant near the beach 'Homard', owned by a french man. We served Seafood and the occasional coffee and breakfast. The speciality being Lobsters like the name of the restaurant.
I would sometimes hang out in the city with him, or he will bring a few friends along and what do you know, Alberto was one of them. He was nice, even made a move but I only agreed to coffee. We spoke for a long time, and I told him we couldn't go further since I taught him in school. He understood, but he paid regular visits anyway to keep me company which I appreciated.
I could finally go two hours without having to think about Liam and I owed it to them. When I finally move on I wouldn't mind going out with Alberto. He was sweet and nice, and he had the warmest smiles even when I just looked dead and felt super antisocial. I hoped I could go on, but I still had dreams of my parents, Stacy insulting me, and the worst part was I had some with Liam, and they weren't nightmares. They were good dreams. I couldn't have been more pissed at myself. After what I saw that day, and how hurt I was, I just had to have my good memories re-emerge to help me be stuck in the past.
It was just two weeks after I began game nights with Andre. Days flew by easily, and my birthday was in two months. I didn't know what I would do, nor whether I wanted to celebrate anything at all. I ignored that thought, and walked back in from the balcony feeling cold. I longed for warmer days, and hoped they were nearer than expected. I didn't want to go out this weekend, but I had to go see Greta. She sometimes came by, and I felt bad for making her move just because she wanted to check up. I should be doing that with how kind she has been. I made myself tea, and went to bed early feeling tired.

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