Chapter 8

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So many thoughts were running through my mind as Liam and I stood there, face-to-face, ready to do something that could escalate my like for him or even change his perspective of me in a good or bad way. 

But, why was I so curious about kissing him? Part of me did want to know what it'd feel like, the other part reminded me that this was my first outside a relationship, and we couldn't count his. He sure was really experienced.
In the midst of my thoughts, I felt Liam soft hand caress my cheek. My heart pounded in my chest, as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. His eyes were burning into mine, and I felt his hands travel down my back and around my waist. I felt breathless already. He gently pulled me in close to him, so close that I could feel his heart-beat against mine.
An audible gulp escaped me, making him smile. A real one. I could feel the warmth in his voice as he whispered " Don't be scared, I'm not that horrible. " At that moment, I just trusted him. I nodded my head, as he tilted his and slowly leaned in. A wave of heat flooded my entire body as Liam drew me closer and closer, firmly sealing the gap between us.
Oh God. This is it.
I watched as he intuitively closed his eyes and presses his lips against mine. His lips were so warm and supple, soft and inviting. A rush of adrenaline shot through my veins, making my whole body tingle.
I forgot about the crowd around us, and watching us, waiting for this kiss between us to happen. All I could think of was the person right in front of me- Liam.
A million of butterflies bumped against my stomach as Liam kissed me so sweetly. It lasted a couple seconds but it took my breath away. We broke apart and I rested my forehead against his. The sweet taste of his peppermint gum was left on my lips. My body felt weightless and shaky, and I felt dizzy. I let some of my weight into his arms, when my knees started to give away.
I opened my eyes slowly to find a sexy grin appearing on his face. We both took deep breaths and Liam opened his eyes to meet mine.
He cautiously looked at me, examining my reaction to the kiss.
I couldn't help the smile forming at the corners of my mouth. And with that, Liam instantly knew that kissing me again was okay - that I would allow him again without resistance. My heart began to pick up speed as he moved his hands to my neck, and cradled my head, stroking my cheeks with his thumbs.
Liam leaned in once again, and the butterflies reemerged in my belly.
When he began kissing me again, I followed his lead. I closed my eyes, and let my hands trail over his shoulders, and around his neck. As if he sensed my body relax, he let his hands drop to my back and gripped my waist tightly, securing me in his arms with a gentle squeeze.
I wasn't ready for the feeling that came over me. Shivers raced up the length of my spine, and my stomach plummeted like I was free falling. My head felt weightless again, almost empty, and that familiar breathless sensation started to take over my chest and throat. I pulled back a little bit, but Liam wouldn't let me go. He pointedly pushed his body into mine, and with that, he kissed me like it was the last time he was ever going to do.

Another rush of adrenaline shot through again and my blood bounded through my veins, making my heart skip a beat. My feelings were undeniable and I felt sparks everywhere in my body. This was the best, most perfect-magical kiss I ever dreamed of.
I felt his tongue softly graze my mouth, and I slowly parted my lips, allowing him entrance. A whispered gasp escaped me when I felt a quick sweep of his tongue graze mine.
Man, he really knew what he was doing.
I started to run my hand against the back of his neck, and twirl his hair gently between my fingers.
Liam gripped my waist more tightly, digging his hands in the back of my dress like he couldn't get enough of me, making me let out a moan.
" Oooooh! " people started shouting from the circle. Some of the guys started making wolf whistling noises, and it snapped me out of my romantic moment. I quickly opened my eyes, and broke free from him, firmly putting my hands on his chest and pushing him away.
He released hold around my waist, and we both stood there in complete shock. Even with the noise around, and Stacy asking something I couldn't hear, I found myself unable to move. I stood there completely frozen.
Liam was swarmed by some guys, trying to high five him. Others put their arms around his neck, and shook him to praise for giving me probably the best kiss . The cheering though didn't seem to phase him. He just stood there, his beautiful blue eyes staring at me. I was too busy recollecting my heart rate, but i noticed a guy opening his mouth to talk and everyone laughed at what seemed to be a joke. Everyone including Liam. That's when I realised I was kidding myself. I knew I had to get out of there before i teared up in front of everyone. I looked back at Stacy who made a move to stand, but i shook my head, and headed inside the house towards the bathroom.
Once in, I crumbled to the floor. For a good moment there I thought maybe he liked me at least a bit. He genuinely smiled for the first time ever. I can't believe I was so naive but I couldn't help but think about it all over. It made my knees weak just seeing him smile like that. Then he laughed. I was just a joke. Tears wouldn't stop and i just decided to let them run until my body realised i was tired. I heard a knock at the door then.
"Skylar?" It was Jake. He knocked again. I cleaned my cheeks, and opened the tap so he'd know i was almost out when truly i was washing my face. I cleaned it dry with a spare towel, and I looked fresh again even though my eyes where a tiny bit pink. I opened the door, and he looked a bit worried.
"Hey." I said with a smile.
"You alright?" He asked taking me out. I nodded. By the time I was back, a lot more people had gathered around the fire, while a guy stood. Others were still playing around.
"Kevin usually tries his best to scare people at his parties." Jake explained. I looked around for Stacy, but she wasn't around and neither was Drake. I understood, and sat on a log by the fire beside Jake. I hadn't noticed Liam was also around until i looked right where he sat by Victoria. Our eyes locked for a second but he looked away. I put my head on Jake's shoulder, and stared at the red flames trying to hear one creepy story.
"So this is another one called the Wanderer" he said
"Back in the 1990's, a girl committed suicide after viewing an image posted in an old newsgroup. The image was of a figure, which some identified it as a woman; standing in the middle of a lonely road. The figure is transparent to the point that it's legs are barely visible and is illuminated by an unknown light source coming from the direction of the camera.

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