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This chapter is dedicated to... asha-dhawan! Thank you all so much for your love and support of this story! I hope you all enjoy a chapter from Harry's POV.



I loved medical school.

It was the best four years of my life. From the late night studying to the hands on interactions with patients; I found my love and passion in life. Call me a nerd, but I would much rather spend my days in a hospital with patients than having a relaxing night off. Which is perfectly fine with me, because when I start to relax, bad things happen.

Take That Night for an example.

I had just gotten off a twenty-four hour shift that had turned into a thirty hour shift. I really probably shouldn't have been driving to my mum's house, or at all, but she was desperate to see me after not having so for nearly two months. Things were calm, quiet, even with the rain pouring down around the vehicles.

I suppose the truck had slid on the collected water and collided with the Chambers' car, sending them down into the river. With the barrier of the bridge being of an older make, it didn't do much to hold the car on the road. My vehicle came right onto the overpass of the river as their car fell.


At the hospital, right when I had laid down in the doctor's' lounge to get some rest, Niall came charging in with the news of Edward's soon to be discharge.

He was frantic, pacing at the side of my bunk. He rambled on about orders, procedures, and protocol. I let him go off for a while, but after nearly ten minutes I had to step in.


So now, with me lying here in bed, finally ready to drift off into a much needed slumber, my relaxation is yet again disrupted.

Sleeping is the only real peace I get, unfortunately it always takes a while for me to get there. So I go through the tossing and turning just to get to a comfortable position. I try reading before bed, watching a bit of television, even counting sheep.

Tonight, rather this morning, I thought I'd finally be able to lay my head against the pillow and drift off. I thought, but my mind just kept wandering to a grey-eyed beauty lying all alone in the hospital.

In all my years as a doctor, never had I had a patient that I've connected with so easily. Most girls, that are lucky enough to have me as their doctor, are either incredibly unintelligent, snobbish, or just plain boring. And most of the time they're in and out like the snap of your fingers. And besides, I don't make it my duty to pick up women on the job, that's just unprofessional.

But Annabelle is a different case altogether.

I value her strength and bravery in such a time. If I ever lost my parents I don't think I'd be half as strong as she, and I don't even have a younger brother or sister I would need to be responsible for. I would crumble, yet has she? Not entirely.

I caught her crying early this morning, after returning from her brother's room, but didn't quite know what to say in that moment. I ended up keeping a watchful eye until she ultimately cried herself to sleep. I've found she likes to bottle things up, but with all the commotion, her bubbling point is all too low. And I understand, we all have our limits.

I enjoy the way she sees light at the end of this long and dark tunnel. There were times today that were spent joking about how overbearing she was about Edward, my teasing comments bringing light laughter to the room. All too quickly the smile on her face in the laughter in the air was gone, but at least there had been some.

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