⪻ 38 ⪼

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This chapter is dedicated to.... 0180Eillib! Thank you so much for reading xx


The past week has been tough.

The hunt for a job still remains a failure, as I'm still unemployed and furiously searching high and low for any opportunity I can. I've only had one interview, and it didn't go over too well. But I remain hopeful.

As for the search for my parents, when I'm not filling out applications and focusing on Edward, I'm doing everything in my power to find something on them. Search engines have been coming up short and electronic public records for the Inverness area are few and far between, resulting in me still only having their names and date of births to go off of.

And lastly, my days are kept busy because of Edward.

As of last Friday, Edward is no longer in Year One of school! I'm incredibly proud of him for finishing the year out strong with everything that had happened. That being said, with him out of school and myself out of a job it's been nice to see each other more often. Unfortunately, once I find a job, I've no idea what I'm going to do with him. Both Harry, Niall, and Anne assure me that when I find a job they'll take turns watching Edward, thank goodness.

"How's the search going?"

Harry and I decided yesterday that we needed a day to ourselves, so whilst Edward is with Niall, the two of us are off to God knows where. Harry refuses to tell me anything, claiming the destination is a surprise.

"You mean for my birth parents or for a job? Because not so good in either department." I respond, watching the fields past by outside of Harry's vehicle. Sighing heavily, I check my phone for any sign of trouble from Niall.

Edward had thrown a fit before my leaving with Niall today. Thankfully upon the promise of ice cream and pizza, he had settled down with Niall, but I made the man promise me he'd text if Edward's behaviour turned sour again.

"Apparently no one wants to hire a culinary arts degree holder and pay her a generous amount of money. It's looking like I'll be searching for a retail position, or two, until I can land something more permanent, just so I can continue to pay the bills." I tell him.

Retail isn't exactly what I had in mind when I have to care of a five, nearly six, year old and pay a bunch of bills on top of that.

"How'd that interview with that fashion company go the other day? The one that you said had significant promise?" Biting my lip, I find my eyes wandering anywhere aside from the gorgeous man sitting to my right.

I hadn't exactly told him that the interview didn't go so well. The interviewers thought I had more knowledge of vintage fashion than I really did and no matter how much I tried to BS my way through it, I still didn't get the job.

"Judging by the avoidance of your pretty eyes on me, I'd say not too well." Harry says, smiling sadly over at me.

"You'd be correct. I suppose I didn't meet all the qualifications they had in mind."

"I'm sorry." He apologizes, lifting his hand from the gear shifter to give my knee a squeeze. I shove his hand off in an instant, quieting the laughter falling from my lips at the contact. He knows how ticklish my knees are. "I'll help you out, I promise."

"Not with money, Harry. I don't want your money."

After he found out about my loss of employment, he offered to lend me some money to pay some immediate bills. Fortunately for me, I did plan for the off chance of ever being unemployed again and have made contributions to our savings. Plus, I didn't want his money, whether it be £10 or £1000.

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