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Sunday mornings are for sleeping in late and being lazy around the house. My day shouldn't start before ten and with Edward being a late sleeper, it usually falls in my favour. Sundays are not supposed to start with a phone call so early in the morning, even if it is from a man that I adore.

"Hello?" I only got as far as looking at the caller id and groaning before I answer the phone. I'm not truly awake enough to do more than that.

"Morning sleepy-head." His cheery voice is lovely to hear, but not whilst I'm half asleep.

"What time is it?"


"Harry!" I groan, falling into my pillow. "It's Sunday, why are you calling me so early? You know I like to sleep."

"Well, I'm on my way over and -"

"You're what?" And just like that I'm nearly wide awake, shooting out of bed to stand in the centre of my room.

The place, as well as myself, is a mess. Clothes are scattered everywhere, I know Edward's things are all over the lounge, and my person is the farthest from ready as I can get. Sundays are for cleaning the house and lounging around like a slob. I usually don't wear makeup, my clothes are wrinkled loungewear, and my hair is hardly ever washed.

"What if I hadn't picked up my phone?" I wonder, rushing over to my wardrobe to look for clothes. I don't think I'm ready for Harry to see me in a nearly see-through tee and sans bra.

"I would have waited until you did. What are you and Edward doing today?" He asks and I can almost see the smile on his lips as he speaks.

"Sleeping in; I don't know." Harry laughs at my response, knowing that he ruined my days plan.

"You've plans now, love." I find myself smiling widely.

"Oh I do, do I?"

"Yes. Dress casual and ready to have loads of fun. And make sure Edward is ready to go too."

It's considerate of him to plan a day for not only us, but Edward too. I don't know if he's trying to get on Edward's good side, or impress him, but it's not needed. Edward already adores Harry, more than me sometimes.

"How much time do we have?"

"As much time as you need," okay, relax, "but, I'll be there in five." What!

"Harry! I'm not dressed!" Harry laughs at me again as I throw my door open and run for the front door, unlocking it. "Let yourself in when you get here, doors unlocked. I gotta go, bye." I hang up on Harry, rushing like a mad woman to Edward's room.

My brother isn't the easiest person to wake up on the weekends, or any day really, so it proved to be a bit difficult to wake up. He moaned and groaned as he tore the duvet off his body, but he seemed to perk up a bit when I promised we were doing fun things and Harry was on the way.

As for getting dressed and cleaning the flat, only one of the things got done by the time Harry arrived. Thankfully, I was finally decent.

"I'm here!" I hear Harry shout from the front room as I stand before my mirror, applying my usual drugstore makeup to my lids. I don't reply right away, trying to focus on not giving myself a black eye with my eyeliner. "I brought coffee!" I don't need anything else to be said before I'm making my way out of the toilet and rushing towards Harry.

"Thank you." I say, seeing him standing at the table, dressed completely different from last I saw him.

We were busy rest of the week, since the date on Tuesday. Harry was working crazy hours, so I only saw him occasionally and he was always dressed in scrubs or joggers and a tee. Now he looks well rested and extremely attractive in his tight skinnies and patterned button-up.

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