⪻ 07 ⪼

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This chapter is dedicated to... tastetherainbow2001!


Separation anxiety: defined as anxiety that can be provoked in children from separation of their mothers.

It's something that I believe I'm suffering from at this very moment. There have been cases in adults, where with separation from loved ones, separation from home, and ultimately being alone, comes fear and mental/physical pain.

I was always pretty independent growing up, always spending time on my own and taking care of myself when my parents were at work. As soon as I hit a certain age, all I wanted was to move out on my own as well. I wanted to live in my own place, come home to my cat, and have some special "me time" without being bothered.

I grew dependent on someone that I loved. It was a toxic love, but I couldn't help the feelings I felt and the actions that I ignored to stay. I felt "loved" and I didn't want to remember the feeling of being on my own. I lost my independence, but thankfully found it again with the help of my family.

Now, there's no family to help me through. No adult figure to show me the way and share with me from their experiences the ups and downs of life. I got into such a set schedule of life: sleeping in, helping mum out with the cooking and cleaning, searching for culinary jobs, getting myself mentally healthy, eating, going to sleep, and repeating daily.

My mum would know what to do in situations like these. She would be able to handle the insurance, the questions, the advice from doctors, and everything else. Mum would guide me and take care of me, tell me she loves me and that everything will be alright.

My dad would be here as well, getting what's best for me. He would take off work, though we need the money, and do everything in his power to be there for his family. Dad wouldn't leave my side unless he was being forced to leave.

Oddly enough I don't find myself getting incredibly worried over Edward being so far away. I have trust in Harry, especially since his reassurance this afternoon. Plus, I've sent over fifteen text messages checking up on the two and seeing what they're up to.

And I find myself getting less and less worried about the separation from him now that my phone begins to ring with Harry's contact name popping up.

"Hello." I answer, trying my best to put on my happy voice, when in reality I've been crying rivers since Harry, Niall, and Edward left my room.

"Hi Annie!" Edward exclaims into the receiver.

Immediately my saddened mood gets a bit joyous as I listen to his little voice. If there's anything Edward can do, it's bring a smile to my face in the darkest of days. "Harry's letting me use his phone to ring you."

"That's awesome, sweetheart. Did you get everything you needed from the house earlier? More importantly, are you having fun?"

"I'm having so much fun." He answers, completely bypassing my first question. "We had beef pizza for dinner and he let me drink a fizzy drink, which mummy and daddy never let me have. And then we watched three films! I can't really remember which ones they are, but they were good; Oh, one was Finding Dory, that's right." I chuckle lightly at his rambling and how his little brain works.

"Wow, that's so cool, Eddie."

"Harry says I have to try and go to sleep now, but I'm not tired."

Yeah probably because of that fizzy drink.

"He's right you know, you should get some -"

"Ooo, I forgot to tell you about Harry's cat. Her name is Dusty and she's really furry. While we watched the films she sat on my lap and I petted her. Do you think if we ask mummy and daddy we can get a cat?" My heart clenches at his question urging on more tears to surface, yet I've seemed to have cried them all out.

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