⪻ 13 ⪼

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This chapter is dedicated to... vstylesthing!

Let me know how you enjoy the chapter xx


An hour and a half of pointless conversation on everything from tattoos to baking, I somehow drifted off into a peaceful slumber on the far end of our sofa. The conversation setting shifted from the kitchen to the lounge after our tea was finished. It was a good thing too, I'm not sure how comfortable our kitchen island is to sleep on.

It felt lovely, the conversation. It wasn't too deep, but it wasn't completely meaningless either. Besides, I can't remember the last time I had a meaningful conversation with someone outside my family.

I learned that the skillful doctor at my right worked in a bakery for two years when he was young, promising to join me in the kitchen one day for a bake-off. He told me all about his journey becoming a doctor, which was quite fascinating and a completely different perspective from Niall's tale. I learned that Harry has an older sister, Gemma, and a loving mother and father who divorced when he was just seven.

I told him about my interest in baking, where it came from and the short detail of my studying of culinary arts. I didn't get too much into the grimy details of my hectic adult life, simply so it wouldn't drag the mood down. I shared with him the crazy coincidence of my late cat Dusty and his current cat, we laughed and joked our friendship was meant to be.

You get the point; we bonded over childhood stories and hot tea.

My, somewhat, peaceful sleep came to an abrupt halt when my senses began to come back to me. First, the feeling of sunlight on my eyelids, causing me to bury my face against the back of the couch to block it out. Then, the sound of someone's tiny footsteps and voice whispering throughout the room.

"I thought you said you weren't dating." My eyes spring open at the remark meeting the jade irises of Harry, who too was in the early processes of waking up.

Somehow during the night, we'd shifted from sleeping on opposite ends of the sofa to Harry lying sprawled across the sofa with his head on my lap. He, perhaps confused as well, stares up at me, giving his eyes a little rub. I shake my head, shifting my gaze to Edward.

"We're," I clear my throat, trying to rid myself of the sleep residing in my throat, "we're not dating." I say, pushing Harry off of my lap, ultimately leading to him flopping down on the hardwood. I wince a bit when I hear him grunt, but after a quick check I see he's fine.

"Morning Edward." Harry greets my brother, staring up at him from the floor, giving his pant leg a little tug. Edward quickly loses interest in the dating question and gives a little giggle to Harry instead.

"Did you stay to protect Annie from the bad guys?" I narrow my eyes at my brother, protect me from bad guys? How many superhero movies did they watch whilst I was in the hospital?

"Uh, yeah. I did." Harry answers, slowly sitting up and resting against the sofa.

"Cool." Edward answers, seeming half interested in the conversation at hand. "I'm hungry." He says, shifting his attention up to me.

I sigh, stretching my body out a bit on the sofa; Sleeping in a upright position isn't comfortable at all, especially with bruised ribs and a concussion.

"Let's change that, shall we." I say to the boy, standing and taking ahold of his hand.

Before we get too far, a knock followed by a ring of the doorbell halts our journey. I look down at Harry, who shrugs up at me.

"I'll get it." Harry offers, jumping up to his feet. I debate it for a second, but ultimately agree due to Edward tugging me towards the kitchen.

"Alright. If you need me, shout."

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