⪻ 16 ⪼

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This week's Friday chapter is dedicated to.... Oumalma499! 

And yes, I did say Friday chapter. Make sure you go look at the announcement on my homepage/activity page to read all about why there's a Friday upload and such! 

All of your comments on who the special guest is made my week! So keep up those comments and guesses for what'll happen in the future, or just share your feels.

Enjoyyyy xx


Finally, after what seemed like years of dragging a snippy boy from the flat, into Harry's vehicle, and then into a restaurant of Harry's choice, we were all sat down together. Seconds after we had settled a familiar fake blonde waltzed into the restaurant joining Harry on his side of the booth, but not before giving me a hug and trying to greet Edward.

Dinner had since come and was immediately scarfed down by the four of us, with appetites all worked up from a hard day. The three of us adults have been engrossed in an uplifting conversation since our plates were taken, as Edward focused on the film that was playing on my tablet. His headphones blocked the conversation, as well as the world, around him.

"I'm worried about Edward." were the words blurted from my mouth the first second of silence that was placed between us. The two men across the table lose the laughter that had been floating around the table and switch their attention to me.

"Why so? I mean, clearly he's a little, um, difficult during this time, but is that it?" Niall wonders, glancing to the boy at my right. Edward has no clue to the topic of conversation between us, which is good. I fear if he knew the topic was of him, he'd flip out.

"His attitude is the main component, yes, but he's starting a new school on Monday. Before we left Northwich, his teacher expressed her concerns of the move on Edward. She said that he was more distant, slacking his workload off, and of course he sported his signature mood consistently. I mean, what if he gets made fun of at this new school or he gets in a fight? I don't know what I'll do."

My concerns for the small boy are high and mighty. I don't know if the events that occurred last month could make him violent, or cause him to want to lash out on other kids. I don't know how the other children will react to a distant boy with a salty attitude either.

"I'm really worried about him and he won't talk to me. He won't even give me the time of day. He's five, not sixteen."

"He probably just needs time." Niall suggests with a watchful eye on my brother and a shrug of his own shoulders. For him being a pediatrician, he's not really being all too helpful in a time like this.

"How much bloody time? Because I don't know how much longer I can take this side of him."

"He's a child, Annabelle. They cope in different ways than an adult will, or even a teenager. It's hard for them to express the emotions they're feeling, but when they find a way, it's not always easy on family. You have a right to feel the way you do, but just remember he's still suffering." Harry mentions, making me feel like the absolute worst human in the world.

"I know, I know he's suffering. I just don't know how to help him anymore."

"Do you want one of us to take a crack at him? Maybe take him off your hands for a day? We could take him out, get his mind off things." Niall offers. The offer itself sends a small sliver of relief through me.

Edward has only been surrounded by me and my presence, and one after school friend, in the month since our parents' passings. He hasn't had a lot of human interaction where he can be the centre of attention. Perhaps giving him a boy's day would be good for him, and his healing.

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