⪻ 11 ⪼

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Sorry, there's no dedication this week! I'm not feeling good, so I'm just trying to get you all an update quick! I hope you enjoy though and there will be a dedication next week. 

And Happy New Year!




I shout over the screams of the boy in arms, my voice getting lost in the chaos. The broken girl with frizzy hair and tears streaming down her red cheeks doesn't seem fazed by her name. She just seems dazed as hands come to clench her ears and a wail leaves her lips.

"Niall, get in here!" I call out, taking a short glance towards the kitchen. Niall was literally beside me moments ago, so where did he go now?

When I turn my head back towards Annabelle, I see her sway on trembling knees. I call her name, clutching the thrashing boy in my arms as I try to stand and make my way towards her. But before I can do anything, and as Niall enters the room out of breath, Annabelle tumbles to the ground.

The deafening sound of skull against wood echoes throughout the room, causing the young boy in my arms to scream louder. Niall darts to the girl, examining her as I maneuver Edward in my arms a little bit. I can see the blood on the corner of the coffee table and now pouring out onto the hardwood ground.


"Edward, buddy, I need you to take a deep breath." I order, flipping him around so that he's facing me. His body shakes and he tries peering over his shoulder to look at his sister. I do my best to keep his eyes on me, not wanting him to freak out at the sight of her blood. "Annabelle's okay, she just wasn't feeling very good." Edward shakes his head, no longer screaming but still crying loudly.

"She's dead! She's dead like mummy and daddy." I shake my head, taking a glance towards Annabelle. Niall has her flipped on her back and is applying pressure to her head with a dish towel from the kitchen.

"No, Edward, Annabelle is not dead. Look at me." I take his face between my hands and move his gaze to my own face. "Sometimes when people get extremely overwhelmed they pass out, or faint. Have you heard of this before? Fainting?" Slowly, Edward nods his head. "So you know that when someone passes out or faints they don't die, right?" Again, Edward gives me a nod. "She's not dead. And she's not leaving you."

Edward nods his head, crying lightly now as he falls forward and buries his face in the crook of my neck. I look over to my friend and fellow doctor, who is taking Annabelle's pulse. After a couple seconds he nods his head and peeks underneath the cloth that's covering the laceration.

"Niall, take Edward?" I question lightly, careful not to disturb the boy too much. He's already freaked out enough with the news of his parents, and now his sister passing out from a panic attack.

"Pulse is 98. She's got a nasty laceration to her forehead that's gonna need stitches and she's probably going to need another head CT with the injuries from the accident and now this." Niall states standing with me. I waste no time in handing Edward over, who whines loudly but is immediately taken out of the room.

"Annabelle." I say her name loudly, kneeling down beside her and pressing against the dish towel. I can feel and see the blood oozing out, meaning we've got to get to the A&E soon. Head wounds bleed a lot and aren't good on a normal day, but in Annabelle's case this is far from good. "Belle."

I give her shoulder a little shake and call her name again, which results in some fluttering of her eyelids. Within a couple more seconds, her eyes spring open and she frantically tries to sit.

"Whoa!" I hold her down against the ground as she trashes a bit. Ultimately, she's left lying on the floor, slightly clutching her healing side. "Belle, it's okay. Calm down. You fainted and hit your head on the coffee table. Can you tell me where you are?" I ask, watching her rapid eye movement.

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