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cheeky chapter xx


"How on Earth did you leave your coat here earlier? You weren't even wearing one!"

After a long day of baking, stressing, and then baking some more, I came home to a nice, quiet flat. I didn't stay there for long though. Edward is off at Anne's tonight, because Harry wants to take me out for a special date night. I told him that we shouldn't have a special date night until after the opening, a celebration you may say, but he insisted we go out.

That being said, to thank him for his overwhelming support over the last few months and because I'm desperately in love with him I decided to spice things up tonight. I picked out my favourite dress, one with a flowing skirt, something like Marilyn Monroe on the subway vent flowy, only more modern. To top it all off, I, for once in my life, made the decision to be bold.

When Harry finally makes the move tonight, there's one article of clothing he won't have to worry about discarding... if you know what I mean.

It took me a little over an hour to get ready and that leaves us where we are now, parked right back outside my bakery. Someone apparently left his coat here earlier and with the December chill running through everyone's layers, he really does need it.

"I was wearing one."

"Were not." I argue as I shuffle from foot to foot behind Harry as he unlocks the front door to the shop. If he doesn't hurry up soon, my lady parts will be completely frozen and there will be no sex tonight.

"Were too." We argue like children Edward's age.

"I know for a fact that you weren't because: A, you were wearing that NYC jumper you know I love on you; and B, I'm almost positive I saw it on the sofa before we left home."

He's up to something, I can feel it in my bones. I just don't know what he's planning, or maybe he really did forget his coat here. With all the stress I've been taking on, my memory isn't holding up to good.

"Baby, just let me check." Harry says as the lock clicks open.

"Only because I don't want you to catch a cold." I tell him as he holds the door open for me to step inside.

As soon as I've taken one step into the front of the bakery, all the lights in the shop flip on and I'm greeted with the shouts and smiling faces of a lot of people we both know and love.

"SURPRISE!" They all yell, causing me to jump into Harry.

Despite my shock for them standing before me, I can't help but be very aware of the fact that if the skirt of my dress catches one breeze I will be humiliated for life. My hand is instinctively holding the skirt down as I put on a happy smile and pretend to just be shocked for the sole reason of them all being here.

In fact, I am shocked in that matter. Anne is standing near the counter with Edward standing directly in front of her. Des is with Juliette, both cheering and holding champagne flutes. Then there's all the siblings: Gemma, Leigh-Anne, Nathalie, and John. Of course, Niall is in attendance and for some reason doing an Irish jig to the lack of music in the room. And finally my eyes lock on the middle aged woman that I've not seen in quite a long time, Lorna Reed, my biological aunt. A grin comes to my lips on behalf of everyone being here, but it only grows wider when I meet Lorna's gaze.

"Oh my God." I finally vocalize. "What is all this?"

Of course I knew what it was; I had a feeling since we parked outside the store front. I really just didn't want to believe it for the sake of my choice on fashion back at the flat.

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